Modified version of sole ( C++11 library to only generate UUID v4.
Sole is a lightweight C++11 library to generate universally unique identificators. Sole provides interface for UUID versions 0, 1 and 4. Copyright (c) 2013,2014,2015 r-lyeh. zlib/libpng licensed.
Based on code by Dmitri Bouianov, Philip O'Toole, Poco C++ libraries and anonymous code found on the net. Thanks guys!
Theory: (see Hoylen's answer at [1])
- UUID version 1 (48-bit MAC address + 60-bit clock with a resolution of 100ns) Clock wraps in 3603 A.D. Up to 10000000 UUIDs per second. MAC address revealed.
- UUID Version 4 (122-bits of randomness) See [2] or other analysis that describe how very unlikely a duplicate is.
- Use v1 if you need to sort or classify UUIDs per machine. Use v1 if you are worried about leaving it up to probabilities (e.g. your are the type of person worried about the earth getting destroyed by a large asteroid in your lifetime). Just use a v1 and it is guaranteed to be unique till 3603 AD.
- Use v4 if you are worried about security issues and determinism. That is because v1 UUIDs reveal the MAC address of the machine it was generated on and they can be predictable. Use v4 if you need more than 10 million uuids per second, or if your application wants to live past 3603 A.D. Additionally a custom UUID v0 is provided:
- 16-bit PID + 48-bit MAC address + 60-bit clock with a resolution of 100ns since Unix epoch
- Clock wraps in 3991 A.D.
- Up to 10000000 UUIDs per second.
- MAC address and PID revealed. References:
- [1]
- [2]
- f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
- rlyeh ~~ listening to Hedon Cries / Until The Sun Goes up