| Hasher (Allocator *allocator=0, size_t stackCapacity=kDefaultSize) |
bool | Null () |
bool | Bool (bool b) |
bool | Int (int i) |
bool | Uint (unsigned u) |
bool | Int64 (int64_t i) |
bool | Uint64 (uint64_t u) |
bool | Double (double d) |
bool | RawNumber (const Ch *str, SizeType len, bool) |
bool | String (const Ch *str, SizeType len, bool) |
bool | StartObject () |
bool | Key (const Ch *str, SizeType len, bool copy) |
bool | EndObject (SizeType memberCount) |
bool | StartArray () |
bool | EndArray (SizeType elementCount) |
bool | IsValid () const |
uint64_t | GetHashCode () const |
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