HowlerSoundManager is used to manage the sounds and musics of a RuntimeScene.

It is basically a container to associate channels to sounds and keep a list of all sounds being played.



  • Creates a new gdjs.HowlerSound using preloaded/cached Howl instances.


    • soundName: string

      The name of the file or resource to play.

    • isMusic: boolean

      True if a music, false if a sound.

    • volume: number

      Between 0 and 1.

    • loop: boolean

      True if it should be played looping.

    • rate: number

      speed at which it is played.

    Returns HowlerSound

  • Unloads a sound or a music from memory. This will stop any sound/music using it.


    • soundName: string

      The name of the file or resource to unload.

    • isMusic: boolean

      True if a music, false if a sound.

    Returns void