Ensure rate is in a range valid for Howler.js
The clamped rate
Creates a new gdjs.HowlerSound using preloaded/cached Howl instances.
The name of the file or resource to play.
True if a music, false if a sound.
Between 0 and 1.
True if it should be played looping.
speed at which it is played.
To be called when the game is disposed. Unloads all audio from memory, clear Howl cache and stop all audio.
Preloads a sound or a music in memory.
The name of the file or resource to preload.
True if a music, false if a sound.
Unloads all audio from memory. This will clear the Howl cache. This will also stop any running music or sounds.
Unloads a sound or a music from memory. This will stop any sound/music using it.
The name of the file or resource to unload.
True if a music, false if a sound.
The resources loader of the game.
Generated using TypeDoc
HowlerSoundManager is used to manage the sounds and musics of a RuntimeScene.
It is basically a container to associate channels to sounds and keep a list of all sounds being played.