PixiBitmapFontManager loads fnt/xml files (using fetch), from the "bitmapFont" resources of the game.

It installs the "BitmapFont" with PixiJS to be used with PIXI.BitmapText.




  • Given a bitmap font resource name and a texture atlas resource name, returns the PIXI.BitmapFont for it. The font is register and should be released with releaseBitmapFont - so that it can be removed from memory when unused.


    • bitmapFontResourceName: string
    • textureAtlasResourceName: string

    Returns BitmapFont

  • When a font is not used by an object anymore (object destroyed or font changed), call this function to decrease the internal count of objects using the font.

    When a font is not unused anymore, it goes in a temporary cache. The cache holds up to 10 fonts. If the cache reaches its maximum capacity, the oldest font is uninstalled from memory.


    • bitmapFontInstallKey: string

      Name of the font of the BitmapFont (bitmapFont.font)

    Returns void