VariablesContainer stores variables, usually for a a RuntimeGame, a RuntimeScene or a RuntimeObject.


  • Parameters

    • Optional initialVariablesData: Readonly<{
          children?: Readonly<{ name?: string | undefined; value?: string | number | boolean | undefined; children?: Readonly<...>[] | undefined; type?: VariableType | undefined; }>[] | undefined;
          name?: string;
          type?: VariableType;
          value?: string | number | boolean;

      Optional array containing representations of the base variables.

    Returns VariablesContainer


badVariable: Variable = ...

"Bad" variable, used by events when no other valid variable can be found. This variable has no state and always return 0 or the empty string.


badVariablesContainer: VariablesContainer = ...

"Bad" variable container, used by events when no other valid container can be found. This container has no state and always returns the bad variable ( see VariablesContainer.badVariable ).



  • Add a new variable. This can be costly, don't use in performance sensitive paths.


    • name: string

      Variable name

    • newVariable: Variable

      The variable to be added

    Returns void

  • Get a variable using its index. If you're unsure about how to use this method, prefer to use get. The index of a variable is its index in the data passed to initFrom.

    This method is generally used by events generated code to increase lookup speed for variables.


    • id: number

      The variable index

    Returns Variable

    The specified variable. If not found, an empty variable is added to the container, but it should not happen.

  • Check if a variable exists in the container.


    • name: string

      The variable's name

    Returns boolean

    true if the variable exists.

  • Initialize variables from a container data.
    If keepOldVariables is set to false (by default), all already existing variables will be erased, but the new variables will be accessible thanks to getFromIndex.
    if keepOldVariables is set to true, already existing variables won't be erased and will be still accessible thanks to getFromIndex.


    • data: Readonly<{
          children?: Readonly<({ name?: string | undefined; value?: string | number | boolean | undefined; children?: Readonly<...>[] | undefined; type?: VariableType | undefined; })>[];
          name?: string;
          type?: VariableType;
          value?: string | number | boolean;

      The array containing data used to initialize variables.

    • Optional keepOldVariables: Boolean

      If set to true, already existing variables won't be erased.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • data: Readonly<{
          children?: Readonly<({ name?: string | undefined; value?: string | number | boolean | undefined; children?: Readonly<...>[] | undefined; type?: VariableType | undefined; })>[];
          name?: string;
          type?: VariableType;
          value?: string | number | boolean;

    Returns void

  • Remove a variable. (the variable is not really removed from the container to avoid creating garbage, but marked as undefined)


    • name: string

      Variable to be removed

    Returns void