The object to render
The gdjs.RuntimeScene in which the object is
Get the current time of the playback.
Get the duration of the video.
Return the playback speed (1 = 100%)
Get the volume on video, between 0 and 1.
Return true if the video has ended.
Return true if the video is looping
Return true if the video is muted.
Return true if the video is playing
To be called when the object is removed from the scene: will stop the video (goes back to beginning).
Pause the video
Start the video
Set the current time of the video.
Set the rendered video height
The new height, in pixels.
Set the loop on video in renderer
true to loop the video
Set or unset mute on the video.
true to mute
Set the playback speed (1 = 100%)
Set the volume of the video, between 0 and 1.
The new volume.
Set the rendered video width
The new width, in pixels.
Stops the video and comes back to first frame.
Generated using TypeDoc
The PIXI.js renderer for the VideoRuntimeObject.