• Send an asynchronous request to the specified URL, with the specified (text) body, method and contentType (defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded). The result is stored in the specified response variable. Any error is stored in the specified error variable.


    • url: string

      The URL to send the request to.

    • body: string

      The content to be sent.

    • method: string

      The method to use ("GET", "POST", "PUT", "HEAD", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS")

    • contentType: string

      The content type. Defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded if empty.

    • responseVar: Variable

      The variable where to store the response text.

    • errorVar: Variable

      The variable where to store the error message or status code (if status >= 400).

    Returns void