Return the Z position of the object center, relative to the scene origin.
Get the object size on the Z axis (called "depth").
Get the object rotation on the X axis in degree.
This is an Euler angle. Objects use the ZYX order.
Get the object rotation on the Y axis in degree.
Get the scale of the object on Z axis.
the scale of the object on Z axis
Return the top Z of the object. Rotations around X and Y are not taken into account.
Return the bottom Z of the object. Rotations around X and Y are not taken into account.
Get the object position on the Z axis.
Change the object center Z position in the scene.
The new Z position of the center in the scene.
Set the object size on the Z axis (called "depth").
Set the object rotation on the X axis.
the rotation angle on the X axis in degree
Set the object rotation on the Y axis.
the rotation angle on the Y axis in degree
Change the scale on Z axis of the object (changing its depth).
The new scale (must be greater than 0).
Set the object position on the Z axis.
Turn the object around the scene X axis at its center.
the rotation angle in degree
Turn the object around the scene Y axis at its center.
Turn the object around the scene Z axis at its center.
Return the Z position of the object center, relative to the scene origin.