interface EffectHandler {
    enableEffect(name, enable): void;
    isEffectEnabled(name): boolean;
    setEffectBooleanParameter(name, parameterName, value): boolean;
    setEffectDoubleParameter(name, parameterName, value): boolean;
    setEffectStringParameter(name, parameterName, value): boolean;

Implemented by


  • Change an effect property value (for properties that are booleans).


    • name: string

      The name of the effect to update.

    • parameterName: string

      The name of the property to update.

    • value: boolean

      The new value (boolean).

    Returns boolean

  • Change an effect property value (for properties that are numbers).


    • name: string

      The name of the effect to update.

    • parameterName: string

      The name of the property to update.

    • value: number

      The new value (number).

    Returns boolean

  • Change an effect property value (for properties that are strings).


    • name: string

      The name of the effect to update.

    • parameterName: string

      The name of the property to update.

    • value: string

      The new value (string).

    Returns boolean