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Firebase Cloud database Event Tools.




  • deleteField(path: string, field: string, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void
  • deleteVariable(path: string, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void
  • getField(path: string, field: string, callbackValueVariable: Variable, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void
  • Gets a field of a database variable and store it in a variable.


    • path: string

      The name under which the variable will be saved (document name).

    • field: string

      The field to get.

    • callbackValueVariable: Variable

      The variable where to store the result.

    • Optional callbackStateVariable: Variable

    Returns void

  • getVariable(path: string, callbackValueVariable: Variable, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void
  • hasField(path: string, field: string, callbackValueVariable: Variable, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void
  • hasVariable(path: string, callbackValueVariable: Variable, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void
  • updateField(path: string, field: string, value: string | number, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void
  • Updates a field of a database variable.


    • path: string

      The name under which the variable will be saved (document name).

    • field: string

      The field where to update.

    • value: string | number

      The value to write.

    • Optional callbackStateVariable: Variable

    Returns void

  • updateVariable(path: string, variable: Variable, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void
  • writeField(path: string, field: string, value: string | number, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void
  • writeVariable(path: string, variable: Variable, callbackStateVariable?: Variable): void

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