Check if the game runs on a mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android). Note that the distinction between what is a mobile device and what is not is becoming blurry. If you use this for mobile controls, prefer to check if the device has touchscreen support.
Check if the game is running as a native desktop app - which in the case of an exported GDevelop game means: running packaged inside Electron.
The current scene.
true if running inside Electron.
Check if the game is running as a native mobile app - which in the case of an exported GDevelop game means: running packaged inside Cordova/Capacitor.js.
Note: this could be improved to also detect running inside an embedded webview.
true if running inside Cordova (or Capacitor.js).
Check if the game is running as a preview, launched from an editor.
The current container.
true if the game is running as a preview.
Check if the the device supports WebGL.
true if WebGL is supported
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Check if the device has a touchscreen