  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All



  • deleteFile(filePath: string, resultVar: Variable): void
  • deleteFileAsync(filePath: string, resultVar: Variable): void
  • getDirectoryName(fileOrFolderPath: string): string
  • getExtensionName(filePath: string): string
  • getFileName(filePath: string): string
  • getPathDelimiter(): string
  • loadStringFromFile(stringVar: Variable, loadPath: string, resultVar: Variable, removeCRCharacters: boolean): void
  • Load a string from a file into a scene variable.


    • stringVar: Variable

      Variable where to store the content

    • loadPath: string

      Path to the file

    • resultVar: Variable

      The variable where to store the result of the operation

    • removeCRCharacters: boolean

      If true, will remove \r characters usually added by Windows when editing files

    Returns void

  • loadStringFromFileAsync(stringVar: Variable, loadPath: string, resultVar: Variable, removeCRCharacters: boolean): void
  • Load a string from a file into a scene variable, asynchronously.


    • stringVar: Variable

      Variable where to store the content

    • loadPath: string

      Path to the file

    • resultVar: Variable

      The variable where to store the result of the operation

    • removeCRCharacters: boolean

      If true, will remove \r characters usually added by Windows when editing files

    Returns void

  • loadVariableFromJSONFile(variable: Variable, loadPath: string, resultVar: Variable, removeCRCharacters: boolean): void
  • Load a JSON file and convert it into a variable.


    • variable: Variable

      Variable to store the variable

    • loadPath: string

      Path to the file

    • resultVar: Variable

      The variable where to store the result of the operation

    • removeCRCharacters: boolean

      If true, will remove \r characters usually added by Windows when editing files

    Returns void

  • loadVariableFromJSONFileAsync(variable: Variable, loadPath: string, resultVar: Variable, removeCRCharacters: boolean): void
  • Load a JSON file and convert it into a variable, asynchronously.


    • variable: Variable

      Variable to store the variable

    • loadPath: string

      Path to the file

    • resultVar: Variable

      The variable where to store the result of the operation

    • removeCRCharacters: boolean

      If true, will remove \r characters usually added by Windows when editing files

    Returns void

  • makeDirectory(directory: string, resultVar: Variable): void
  • pathExists(filePath: string): boolean
  • readdir(directoryPath: string, resultVar: Variable): void
  • saveStringToFile(text: string, savePath: string, resultVar: Variable): void
  • saveStringToFileAsync(text: string, savePath: string, resultVar: Variable): void
  • Save a string into a file, asynchronously.


    • text: string

      The string to be saved

    • savePath: string

      Path to the file

    • resultVar: Variable

      The variable where to store the result of the operation

    Returns void

  • saveVariableToJSONFile(variable: Variable, savePath: string, resultVar: Variable): void
  • saveVariableToJSONFileAsync(variable: Variable, savePath: string, resultVar: Variable): void

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