BitmapTextObjectDataType: {
    content: {
        align: "left" | "center" | "right";
        bitmapFontResourceName: string;
        opacity: float;
        scale: float;
        text: string;
        textureAtlasResourceName: string;
        tint: string;
        wordWrap: boolean;
        wrappingWidth: float;

Base parameters for gdjs.BitmapTextRuntimeObject

Type declaration

  • content: {
        align: "left" | "center" | "right";
        bitmapFontResourceName: string;
        opacity: float;
        scale: float;
        text: string;
        textureAtlasResourceName: string;
        tint: string;
        wordWrap: boolean;
        wrappingWidth: float;

    The base parameters of the Bitmap Text

    • align: "left" | "center" | "right"

      Alignment of the text.

    • bitmapFontResourceName: string

      The name of the resource containing the bitmap font for the text.

    • opacity: float

      The opacity of the text.

    • scale: float

      The scale of the text.

    • text: string

      Content of the text.

    • textureAtlasResourceName: string

      The name of the resource containing the atlas image file for the text.

    • tint: string

      The tint of the text.

    • wordWrap: boolean

      Activate word wrap if set to true.

    • wrappingWidth: float

      Wrapping with from custom size properties.