RuntimeGameOptions: {
    allowAuthenticationUsingIframeForPreview?: boolean;
    captureOptions?: CaptureOptions;
    crashReportUploadLevel?: "all" | "exclude-javascript-code-events" | "none";
    electronRemoteRequirePath?: string;
    environment?: "dev";
    forceFullscreen?: boolean;
    gdevelopResourceToken?: string;
    gdevelopVersionWithHash?: string;
    inAppTutorialMessageInPreview?: string;
    inAppTutorialMessagePositionInPreview?: string;
    injectExternalLayout?: string;
    isPreview?: boolean;
    nativeMobileApp?: boolean;
    playerId?: string;
    playerToken?: string;
    playerUsername?: string;
    previewContext?: string;
    projectDataOnlyExport?: boolean;
    projectTemplateSlug?: string;
    scriptFiles?: RuntimeGameOptionsScriptFile[];
    sourceGameId?: string;
    websocketDebuggerServerAddress?: string;
    websocketDebuggerServerPort?: string;

Options given to the game at startup.

Type declaration

  • Optional allowAuthenticationUsingIframeForPreview?: boolean

    Check if, in some exceptional cases, we allow authentication to be done through a iframe. This is usually discouraged as the user can't verify that the authentication window is a genuine one. It's only to be used in trusted contexts.

  • Optional captureOptions?: CaptureOptions

    Any capture that should be done during the preview.

  • Optional crashReportUploadLevel?: "all" | "exclude-javascript-code-events" | "none"

    If set, the game will send crash reports to GDevelop APIs.

  • Optional electronRemoteRequirePath?: string

    The path to require @electron/remote module. This is only useful in a preview, where this can't be required from @electron/remote directly as previews don't have any node_modules. On the contrary, a game packaged with Electron as a standalone app has its node_modules. This can be removed once there are no more dependencies on @electron/remote in the game engine and extensions.

  • Optional environment?: "dev"

    If set, the game should use the specified environment for making calls to GDevelop APIs ("dev" = development APIs).

  • Optional forceFullscreen?: boolean

    if true, force fullscreen.

  • Optional gdevelopResourceToken?: string

    The token to use by the game engine when requiring any resource stored on GDevelop Cloud buckets. Note that this is only useful during previews.

  • Optional gdevelopVersionWithHash?: string

    The GDevelop version used to build the game.

  • Optional inAppTutorialMessageInPreview?: string

    Message to display to the user during an in-app tutorial.

  • Optional inAppTutorialMessagePositionInPreview?: string
  • Optional injectExternalLayout?: string

    The name of the external layout to create in the scene at position 0;0.

  • Optional isPreview?: boolean

    if true, game is run as a preview launched from an editor.

  • Optional nativeMobileApp?: boolean

    if true, preview is launched from GDevelop native mobile app.

  • Optional playerId?: string
  • Optional playerToken?: string
  • Optional playerUsername?: string

    If set, this data is used to authenticate automatically when launching the game. This is only useful during previews.

  • Optional previewContext?: string

    Arbitrary string explaining in which context the game is being played.

  • Optional projectDataOnlyExport?: boolean

    if true, export is a partial preview without events.

  • Optional projectTemplateSlug?: string

    The template slug that was used to create the project.

  • Optional scriptFiles?: RuntimeGameOptionsScriptFile[]

    Script files, used for hot-reloading.

  • Optional sourceGameId?: string

    The source game id that was used to create the project.

  • Optional websocketDebuggerServerAddress?: string

    The address of the debugger server, to reach out using WebSocket.

  • Optional websocketDebuggerServerPort?: string

    The port of the debugger server, to reach out using WebSocket.