ShapePainterObjectDataType: {
    absoluteCoordinates: boolean;
    antialiasing: Antialiasing;
    clearBetweenFrames: boolean;
    fillColor: RGBColor | string;
    fillOpacity: float;
    outlineColor: RGBColor | string;
    outlineOpacity: float;
    outlineSize: float;

Initial properties for a for gdjs.ShapePainterRuntimeObject.

Type declaration

  • absoluteCoordinates: boolean

    Use absolute coordinates?

  • antialiasing: Antialiasing

    The type of anti-aliasing to apply at rendering.

  • clearBetweenFrames: boolean

    Clear the previous render before the next draw?

  • fillColor: RGBColor | string

    The color of the inner part of the painted shape

  • fillOpacity: float

    The opacity of the inner part of the painted shape, from 0 to 255

  • outlineColor: RGBColor | string

    The color of the outline of the painted shape

  • outlineOpacity: float

    The opacity of the outline of the painted shape, from 0 to 255

  • outlineSize: float

    The size of the outline of the painted shape, in pixels.