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GDevelop Core
Core library for developing platforms and tools compatible with GDevelop.
This is the complete list of members for gd::String, including all inherited members.
begin() | gd::String | |
begin() const | gd::String | |
c_str() const | gd::String | inline |
CapitalizeFirstLetter() const | gd::String | |
CaseFold() const | gd::String | |
CaseInsensitiveEquiv(const String &lhs, const String &rhs, bool compat=true) | gd::String | related |
CaseSensitiveEquiv(String lhs, String rhs, bool compat=true) | gd::String | related |
clear() | gd::String | inline |
compare(const String &other) const | gd::String | |
const_iterator typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
const_pointer typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
const_reference typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
const_reverse_iterator typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
difference_type typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
empty() const | gd::String | inline |
end() | gd::String | |
end() const | gd::String | |
erase(iterator first, iterator last) | gd::String | |
erase(iterator p) | gd::String | |
erase(size_type pos=0, size_type len=npos) | gd::String | |
find(const String &search, size_type pos=0) const | gd::String | |
find(const char *search, size_type pos=0) const | gd::String | |
find(const value_type search, size_type pos=0) const | gd::String | |
find_first_not_of(const String ¬_match, size_type startPos=0) const | gd::String | |
find_first_of(const String &match, size_type startPos=0) const | gd::String | |
find_last_not_of(const String ¬_match, size_type endPos=npos) const | gd::String | |
find_last_of(const String &match, size_type endPos=npos) const | gd::String | |
FindAndReplace(String search, String replacement, bool all=true) const | gd::String | |
FindCaseInsensitive(const String &search, size_type pos=0) const | gd::String | |
From(T value) | gd::String | inlinestatic |
FromLocale(const std::string &localizedString) | gd::String | static |
FromUTF32(const std::u32string &string) | gd::String | static |
FromUTF8(const std::string &utf8Str) | gd::String | static |
FromWide(const std::wstring &wstr) | gd::String | static |
insert(size_type pos, const String &str) | gd::String | |
IsValid() const | gd::String | |
iterator typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
LeftTrim(const gd::String &chars=" \t\n\v\f\r") | gd::String | inline |
length() const | gd::String | inline |
LowerCase() const | gd::String | |
NFC enum value | gd::String | |
NFD enum value | gd::String | |
NFKC enum value | gd::String | |
NFKD enum value | gd::String | |
Normalize(NormForm form=NFC) | gd::String | |
NormForm enum name | gd::String | |
npos (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | static |
operator!=(const String &lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator!=(const String &lhs, const char *rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator!=(const char *lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator+(String lhs, const String &rhs) | gd::String | related |
operator+(String lhs, const char *rhs) | gd::String | related |
operator+(const char *lhs, const String &rhs) | gd::String | related |
operator+=(const String &other) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
operator+=(const char *other) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
operator+=(value_type character) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
operator<(const String &lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator<(const String &lhs, const char *rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator<(const char *lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const String &str) | gd::String | related |
operator<=(const String &lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator<=(const String &lhs, const char *rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator<=(const char *lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator=(const char *characters) | gd::String | |
operator=(const std::u32string &string) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
operator==(const String &lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator==(const String &lhs, const char *rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator==(const char *lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator>(const String &lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator>(const String &lhs, const char *rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator>(const char *lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator>=(const String &lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator>=(const String &lhs, const char *rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator>=(const char *lhs, const String &rhs) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | related |
operator>>(std::istream &is, String &str) | gd::String | related |
operator[](const size_type position) const | gd::String | |
pointer typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
pop_back() | gd::String | |
push_back(value_type character) | gd::String | |
Raw() | gd::String | inline |
Raw() const | gd::String | inline |
reference typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
RemoveConsecutiveOccurrences(iterator i1, iterator i2, const char c) | gd::String | |
replace(iterator i1, iterator i2, const String &str) | gd::String | |
replace(iterator i1, iterator i2, size_type n, const char c) | gd::String | |
replace(size_type pos, size_type len, const String &str) | gd::String | |
replace(size_type pos, size_type len, const char c) | gd::String | |
replace_if(iterator i1, iterator i2, std::function< bool(char32_t)> p, const String &str) | gd::String | |
ReplaceInvalid(value_type replacement=0xfffd) | gd::String | |
reserve(gd::String::size_type size) (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | inline |
reverse_iterator typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
rfind(const String &search, size_type pos=npos) const | gd::String | |
rfind(const char *search, size_type pos=npos) const | gd::String | |
rfind(const value_type &search, size_type pos=npos) const | gd::String | |
RightTrim(const gd::String &chars=" \t\n\v\f\r") | gd::String | inline |
size() const | gd::String | |
size_type typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String | |
Split(value_type delimiter) const | gd::String | |
String() | gd::String | |
String(const char *characters) | gd::String | |
String(const std::u32string &string) | gd::String | |
substr(size_type start=0, size_type length=npos) const | gd::String | |
To() const | gd::String | inline |
ToLocale() const | gd::String | |
ToUTF32() const | gd::String | |
ToUTF8() const | gd::String | |
ToWide() const | gd::String | |
Trim(const gd::String &chars=" \t\n\v\f\r") | gd::String | inline |
UpperCase() const | gd::String | |
value_type typedef (defined in gd::String) | gd::String |