class | AsyncEvent |
| Internal event for asynchronous actions. This event gets added internally to the events tree when an asynchronous action is used. More...
class | CommentEvent |
| Allows to add a text in the events editor. More...
class | ForEachChildVariableEvent |
| Event repeated for each every child of a structure variable. More...
class | ForEachEvent |
| Event repeated for each object of a list. More...
class | GroupEvent |
| A group event, containing only sub events and some (visual only) properties. More...
class | LinkEvent |
| A link pointing to external events (or events of another layout) that should be included and run instead of the link. More...
class | RepeatEvent |
| Event being repeated a specified number of times. More...
class | StandardEvent |
| Standard event, with conditions, actions and support for sub events. More...
class | WhileEvent |
| While event is a standard event that is repeated while some conditions are true. More...
class | ProjectDiagnostic |
class | DiagnosticReport |
class | WholeProjectDiagnosticReport |
class | EffectsCodeGenerator |
| Internal class used to generate code from events. More...
class | EventsCodeGenerationContext |
| Used to manage the context when generating code for events. More...
class | EventsCodeGenerator |
| Internal class used to generate code from events. More...
class | ExpressionCodeGenerator |
| Generate code for a parsed expression. More...
class | BaseEvent |
| Base class defining an event. More...
class | EmptyEvent |
| Empty event doing nothing. More...
class | EventsList |
| A list of events. More...
class | EventVisitor |
| Visitor of any kind of event. More...
class | ReadOnlyEventVisitor |
| Visitor of any kind of event. More...
class | Expression |
| Class representing an expression used as a parameter of a gd::Instruction. This class is nothing more than a wrapper around a gd::String. More...
class | Instruction |
| An instruction is a member of an event: It can be a condition or an action. More...
class | InstructionsList |
class | ExpressionParser2 |
| Parse an expression, returning a tree of node corresponding to the parsed expression. More...
struct | ExpressionParserLocation |
struct | ExpressionParserError |
| An error that can be attached to a gd::ExpressionNode. More...
struct | ExpressionNode |
| The base node, from which all nodes in the tree of an expression inherits from. More...
struct | SubExpressionNode |
struct | OperatorNode |
| An operator node. For example: "lhs + rhs". More...
struct | UnaryOperatorNode |
| A unary operator node. For example: "-2". More...
struct | NumberNode |
| A number node. For example: "123". Its type is always "number". More...
struct | TextNode |
| A text node. For example: "Hello World". Its type is always "string". More...
struct | IdentifierOrFunctionCallOrObjectFunctionNameOrEmptyNode |
struct | IdentifierNode |
| An identifier node, usually representing an object or a variable with an optional function name or child variable name respectively. More...
struct | FunctionCallOrObjectFunctionNameOrEmptyNode |
struct | VariableAccessorOrVariableBracketAccessorNode |
struct | VariableNode |
| A variable, or object variable, with bracket accessor or at least 2 "dot" accessors. More...
struct | VariableAccessorNode |
| A direct accessor to a child variable. Example: MyChild in MyVariable.MyChild. More...
struct | VariableBracketAccessorNode |
| A bracket accessor to a child variable. Example: ["MyChild"] (in MyVariable["MyChild"]). More...
struct | ObjectFunctionNameNode |
| The name of a function to call on an object or the behavior For example: "MyObject.Physics::LinearVelocity". More...
struct | FunctionCallNode |
| A function call node (either free function, object function or object behavior function). For example: "MyExtension::MyFunction(1, 2)", "MyObject.Function()" or "MyObject.Physics::LinearVelocity()". More...
struct | EmptyNode |
| An empty node, used when parsing failed/a syntax error was encountered and any other node could not make sense. More...
class | ExpressionParser2NodePrinter |
| Print the expression corresponding to a set of nodes (i.e: this is doing the inverse operation of gd::ExpressionParser2). More...
class | ExpressionParser2NodeWorker |
| The interface for any worker class ("visitor" pattern) that want to interact with the nodes of a parsed expression. More...
class | EventsListSerialization |
| Contains tools for loading and saving events to SerializerElement. More...
class | BuiltinExtensionsImplementer |
| Tool class containing static methods to setup an extension so that it provides standards events, objects or instructions of an extension. More...
class | Animation |
| Class representing an animation of a SpriteObject. More...
class | Direction |
| Class defining a direction (set of frames) of an Animation. More...
class | Sprite |
| Represents a sprite to be displayed on the screen. More...
class | SpriteAnimationList |
| A list of animations, containing directions with images and collision mask. More...
class | SpriteObject |
| Standard sprite object for extensions that implements the standard SpriteExtension (see gd::BuiltinExtensionsImplementer::ImplementsSpriteExtension). More...
class | AbstractFunctionMetadata |
| Describe user-friendly information about an expression or an instruction (action or condition), its parameters and the function name as well as other information for code generation. More...
class | BehaviorMetadata |
| Contains user-friendly information about a behavior type. More...
class | DependencyMetadata |
| Contains information about a dependency (library, npm/cordova package, or other according to the export) of an extension. More...
class | EffectMetadata |
| Contains user-friendly information about an effect. More...
class | EventMetadata |
| Describe an event provided by an extension of a platform. More...
class | ExpressionCodeGenerationInformation |
| Information about how generate code for an expression. More...
class | ExpressionMetadata |
| Describe user-friendly information about an expression, its parameters and the function name as well as other information for code generation. More...
class | InstructionMetadata |
| Describe user-friendly information about an instruction (action or condition), its parameters and the function name as well as other information for code generation. More...
class | InstructionOrExpressionContainerMetadata |
| Contains user-friendly information about instructions and expressions (usually for a behavior or an object). More...
class | InstructionOrExpressionGroupMetadata |
| Contains information about how to display a group of instructions to the user. More...
class | ExtensionAndMetadata |
| A container for metadata about an object/behavior/instruction/expression and its associated extension. More...
class | MetadataProvider |
| Allow to easily get metadata for instructions (i.e actions and conditions), expressions, objects and behaviors. More...
class | MultipleInstructionMetadata |
| A "composite" metadata that can be used to easily declare both an expression and a related condition (and a related action) without writing manually the three of them. More...
class | ObjectMetadata |
| Contains user-friendly information about an object type, and a function to create a new gd::Object of this type. More...
class | ParameterMetadata |
| Describe a parameter of an instruction (action, condition) or of an expression: type, user-friendly description, etc... More...
class | ParameterMetadataTools |
struct | ParameterOptions |
class | SourceFileMetadata |
| Contains information about a source file that must be included when an extension is used. More...
class | ValueTypeMetadata |
| Define a type for parameters of a function (action, condition or expression) or the returned value of an expression. More...
class | Platform |
| Base class for implementing a platform. More...
class | CompilationInfo |
| Class used by gd::PlatformExtension to ensure that an extension is compiled against the right versions of libraries. More...
struct | DuplicatedInstructionOptions |
class | PlatformExtension |
| Base class for implementing platform's extensions. More...
class | AbstractFileSystem |
| An interface to manipulate files in a platform agnostic way. This allow exporters to work on files without knowing what is actually being used to manipulate files (Node.js, browser shims, etc...) More...
class | Screenshot |
class | CaptureOptions |
class | EditorSettings |
| Container for arbitrary serialized data to be used by the editor to store settings. More...
class | EventBasedBehaviorBrowser |
| Expose event-based behavior contents to workers. More...
class | EventBasedObjectBrowser |
| Expose event-based object contents to workers. More...
class | AbstractArbitraryEventsWorker |
| AbstractArbitraryEventsWorker is a base abstract class used to browse events (and instructions) and do some work on them. It must not be inherited directly. More...
class | ArbitraryEventsWorker |
| ArbitraryEventsWorker is an abstract class used to browse events (and instructions) and do some work on them. Can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class | ArbitraryEventsWorkerWithContext |
| An events worker that will know about the context (the objects container). Useful for workers working on expressions notably. More...
class | AbstractReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorker |
| ReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorker is an abstract class used to browse events (and instructions). It must not be inherited directly. More...
class | ReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorker |
| ReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorker is an abstract class used to browse events (and instructions). It can be used to implement autocompletion for example. More...
class | ReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorkerWithContext |
| An events worker that will know about the context (the objects container). Useful for workers working on expressions notably. More...
class | BehaviorDefaultFlagClearer |
| This is used for project exports to keep default behaviors in serialized data used by Runtime. More...
class | BehaviorParametersFiller |
| Fill empty behavior parameters with any behavior that matches the required behavior type. More...
class | BehaviorTypeRenamer |
class | CustomObjectTypeRenamer |
class | ExpressionBehaviorRenamer |
| Go through the nodes and rename any reference to an object behavior. More...
class | EventsBehaviorRenamer |
| Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of a behavior of an object by another name. More...
class | ExpressionObjectsAnalyzer |
| Go through the nodes and report any object found. More...
class | EventsContext |
| Store the results of a search done by EventsContextAnalyzer. More...
class | EventsContextAnalyzer |
| Analyze events to list all the objects being used in them. More...
class | FirstInstructionTypeChecker |
| Check the type of the first condition or action. More...
class | FirstActionExpressionTypeChecker |
| Check the type of the first condition or action. More...
class | EventsFunctionSelfCallChecker |
| Check if functions are only calling themselves. More...
class | EventsIdentifiersFinder |
| Perform a search over a layout, searching for layout or object custom identifiers. More...
class | ExpressionParameterReplacer |
| Go through the nodes and rename parameters. More...
class | EventsParameterReplacer |
| Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of a parameter by another. More...
class | EventsParametersLister |
| List the values of the parameters of events and their type. More...
class | EventsPositionFinder |
| Scans an event list to retrieve the position of a list of searched events when the events list is flattened. More...
class | ExpressionPropertyReplacer |
| Go through the nodes and rename properties, or signal if the instruction must be renamed if a removed property is used. More...
class | EventsPropertyReplacer |
| Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of a property by another. More...
class | ExpressionObjectRenamer |
| Go through the nodes and change the given object name to a new one. More...
class | ExpressionObjectFinder |
| Go through the nodes and check if the given object is being used in the expression. More...
class | EventsObjectReplacer |
| Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of an object by another. More...
class | EventsSearchResult |
| Class used to return result when calling EventsRefactorer::SearchInEvents. More...
class | EventsRefactorer |
| Class containing functions to do refactoring tasks on events. More...
class | EventsRemover |
| Allow to safely remove a bunch of events. More...
class | EventsTypesLister |
| List the values of the parameters of events and their type. More...
class | EventsVariableInstructionTypeSwitcher |
| Switch the types of variable instructions for a given set of variables. More...
class | ExpressionVariableReplacer |
| Go through the nodes and rename variables, or signal if the instruction must be renamed if a removed variable is used. More...
class | EventsVariableReplacer |
| Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of a variable by another. More...
class | EventsVariablesFinder |
| Perform a search over a project or a layout, searching for layout, global or object variables. More...
class | ExampleExtensionUsagesFinder |
| List extension usages for generated example web-pages. More...
struct | ExpressionCompletionDescription |
| Describe completions to be shown to the user. More...
class | ExpressionCompletionFinder |
| Returns the list of completion descriptions for an expression node. More...
class | ExpressionLeftSideTypeFinder |
| Find the type of the node at the left side of operations. More...
class | ExpressionNodeLocationFinder |
| Find the deepest node at the specified location in an expression. More...
class | ExpressionParameterMover |
| Go through the nodes and change the position of a parameter of the given function. More...
class | ExpressionsParameterMover |
| Move in expressions, in parameters of actions or conditions, a parameter from one position to another. More...
class | ExpressionFunctionRenamer |
| Go through the nodes and change the given function name to a new name. More...
class | ExpressionsRenamer |
| Replace in expressions, in parameters of actions or conditions, calls to a function by another function. More...
class | ExpressionTypeFinder |
| Find the type of the expression or sub-expression that a given node represents. More...
class | ExpressionValidator |
| Validate that an expression is properly written by returning any error attached to the nodes during parsing. More...
class | ExpressionVariableNameFinder |
| Find the variable name from a variable expression. More...
class | ExpressionVariableOwnerFinder |
| Find the object name that should be used as a context of the expression or sub-expression that a given node represents. More...
class | ExpressionLiteralFinder |
| Find the pre-scoped container of legacy variables or the object name from the function call node. More...
class | ExpressionVariableContextFinder |
| Find the pre-scoped container of legacy variables or the object name from the function call node. More...
struct | VariableAndItsParent |
| Contains a variables container or a variable. Useful to refer to the parent of a variable (which can be a VariablesContainer or another Variable). More...
class | ExpressionVariablePathFinder |
| Find a variable path from an expression node. More...
class | InstructionsCountEvaluator |
| Count the number of instructions in a project excluding extensions. More...
class | InstructionSentenceFormatter |
| Generate user friendly sentences and information from an action or condition metadata. More...
class | InstructionsParameterMover |
| Reorder the parameters of the instruction with the specified type in events, moving the parameter at the specified oldIndex to newIndex. More...
class | InstructionsTypeRenamer |
| Replace in events all instructions of the specified type by another type. More...
class | LeaderboardIdRenamer |
class | LinkEventTargetRenamer |
| Replace in link events the name of external events. More...
class | ExpressionIdentifierStringFinder |
| Go through the nodes and find every function call parameter of a given type. More...
class | ProjectElementRenamer |
| Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions occurrences of project element name. For instance, it can be layouts or object effects. More...
class | TextFormatting |
| Represents the style of a text displayed in the events editor. More...
class | UsedExtensionsResult |
class | UsedExtensionsFinder |
class | EventsFunctionTools |
struct | DependencyMetadataAndExtension |
| Store references to a gd::DependencyMetadata and its associated gd::PlatformExtension. More...
class | ExportedDependencyResolver |
| Helpers to manipulate dependencies of extensions to be exported along with a game. More...
class | ExtensionsLoader |
| Internal class loading static extensions. More...
class | NewNameGenerator |
| Generate unique names. More...
class | ObjectAssetSerializer |
| Serialize objects into an asset for the store. More...
class | ObjectVariableHelper |
class | PlatformLoader |
| Load a gd::Platform in memory from a file and add it to the manager. More...
class | PlatformManager |
| Singleton class managing all the platforms available. More...
class | ArbitraryBehaviorSharedDataWorker |
| ArbitraryBehaviorSharedDataWorker is an abstract class used to browse shared data and do some work on them. It can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class | ArbitraryEventBasedBehaviorsWorker |
| ArbitraryEventsFunctionsWorker is an abstract class used to browse event-based behaviors and do some work on them. It can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class | ArbitraryEventsFunctionsWorker |
| ArbitraryEventsFunctionsWorker is an abstract class used to browse functions signatures and do some work on them. It can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class | ArbitraryObjectsWorker |
| ArbitraryObjectsWorker is an abstract class used to browse objects (and behaviors) and do some work on them. Can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class | ArbitraryResourceWorker |
| ArbitraryResourceWorker is used so as to inventory resources and sometimes update them. More...
class | ResourceWorkerInEventsWorker |
class | ResourceWorkerInObjectsWorker |
class | AssetResourcePathCleaner |
| AssetResourcePathCleaner is used when exporting an object as an asset. It removes the folder from the path. More...
class | BehaviorObjectTypeRenamer |
| Rename the object type in event-based behaviors. More...
class | BehaviorsSharedDataBehaviorTypeRenamer |
| Rename the behavior type of shared data. More...
class | EventsBasedObjectDependencyFinder |
| Find resource usages in several parts of the project. More...
class | FunctionParameterBehaviorTypeRenamer |
| Rename the type of behavior parameters in functions. More...
class | FunctionParameterObjectTypeRenamer |
| Rename the type of object parameters in functions. More...
class | ObjectsUsingResourceCollector |
class | ResourceNameMatcher |
class | ProjectResourcesAdder |
| Automatically add missing resources of a project. More...
class | ProjectResourcesCopier |
| Copy all resources files of a project to a directory. More...
class | RequiredBehaviorRenamer |
| Rename the type of required behavior in event-based behaviors. More...
class | ResourcesAbsolutePathChecker |
| Helper used to check if a project has at least a resource with an absolute filename. More...
class | ResourcesInUseHelper |
| Class used to track all resources used by a game, or a part of it (like a gd::Object). More...
class | ResourcesMergingHelper |
| ResourcesMergingHelper is used (mainly during export) to list resources and generate new filenames, to allow them to be all copied in a single directory (potentially changing the filename to avoid conflicts, but preserving extensions). More...
class | ResourcesRenamer |
| Class used to rename resources (in an object, an entire project, etc...) More...
class | SceneResourcesFinder |
| Find resource usages in several parts of the project. More...
class | ProjectBrowser |
| Expose a subset of the project to workers. More...
class | ProjectBrowserHelper |
| Expose a subset of the project to workers. More...
class | ProjectStripper |
| Tool class providing methods to strip useless data for a project after it has been exported. More...
class | PropertyFunctionGenerator |
| Generate a getter and a setter functions for properties. More...
class | ResourceExposer |
class | SceneNameMangler |
| Mangle the name of a scene, so that it can be used in code or file names. More...
class | UnfilledRequiredBehaviorPropertyProblem |
| A problem when a required behavior property is not fill correctly. More...
class | VariableInstructionSwitcher |
class | WholeProjectBrowser |
| Expose the whole project to workers. More...
struct | VariablesRenamingChangesetNode |
struct | VariablesChangeset |
class | WholeProjectRefactorer |
| Tool functions to do refactoring on the whole project after changes like deletion or renaming of an object. More...
class | AbstractEventsBasedEntity |
| Represents a behavior or an object that is implemented with events. More...
class | Behavior |
| Base class used to represents a behavior that can be applied to an object. It stores the content (i.e: the properties) of a behavior of an object and forward the properties related functions to Javascript with Emscripten. More...
class | BehaviorConfigurationContainer |
| Base class for containers of behavior configuration. They can be attached to objects (Behavior) or layouts (BehaviorsSharedData). It stores the content (i.e: the properties) of a behavior of an object. More...
class | BehaviorsSharedData |
| Base class for defining data shared by behaviors having the same type and name. More...
class | CustomBehavior |
| A gd::Behavior that stores its content in JSON. More...
class | CustomBehaviorsSharedData |
| A gd::BehaviorsSharedData that stores its content in JSON. More...
class | CustomConfigurationHelper |
| Helper functions that gd::CustomBehavior and gd::CustomBehaviorsSharedData use to store their content in JSON. More...
class | CustomObjectConfiguration |
| A gd::ObjectConfiguration that stores its content in JSON and is composed of other configuration according to it's object children. More...
class | Effect |
| Represents an effect that can be applied on a layer. More...
class | EffectsContainer |
| Contains effects applied to an entity on screen (i.e: a Layer or an Object). More...
class | EventsBasedBehavior |
| Represents a behavior that is implemented with events. More...
class | EventsBasedObject |
| Represents an object that is implemented with events. More...
class | EventsFunction |
| Events that can be generated as a stand-alone function, and used as a condition, action or expression. More...
class | EventsFunctionsContainer |
| Used as a base class for classes that will own events-backed functions. More...
class | EventsFunctionsExtension |
| Hold a list of Events Functions (gd::EventsFunction) and Events Based Behaviors. More...
class | ExtensionProperties |
class | ExternalEvents |
| Contains a list of events not directly linked to a layout. More...
class | ExternalLayout |
| An external layout allows to create layouts of objects that can be then inserted on a layout. More...
class | InitialInstance |
| Represents an instance of an object to be created on a layout start up. More...
class | InitialInstancesContainer |
| Defines a container of gd::InitialInstances. More...
class | InitialInstanceFunctor |
| Tool class to be used with gd::InitialInstancesContainer::IterateOverInstances. More...
class | HighestZOrderFinder |
| Tool class picking returning the highest Z order of instances on a layer. More...
class | Camera |
| A camera is used to render a specific area of a layout. More...
class | Layer |
| Represents a layer of a layout. More...
class | LayersContainer |
| Contains the layers for a scene or a custom object. More...
class | Layout |
| Represent a layout ( also called a scene ) of a project. More...
class | LoadingScreen |
| Describe the content and set up of the loading screen. More...
class | MeasurementBaseUnit |
| An atomic unit of measurement. More...
class | MeasurementUnit |
| A unit of measurement. More...
class | MeasurementUnitElement |
| A couple of an atomic unit of measurement and its power. More...
class | NamedPropertyDescriptor |
| Used to describe a property shown in a property grid. More...
class | Object |
| Represent an object of a platform. More...
struct | ObjectHasName |
| Functor testing object name. More...
class | ObjectConfiguration |
| Base class used to represent an object configuration. For example, this can be the animations in a sprite, the text, its font, its color in a Text object, etc... More...
class | ObjectFolderOrObject |
| Class representing a folder structure in order to organize objects in folders (to be used with an ObjectsContainer.) More...
class | ObjectGroup |
| Represents an object group. More...
class | ObjectGroupsContainer |
| A container for objects groups. More...
class | ObjectsContainer |
| Used as a base class for classes that will own objects (see gd::Object). More...
class | ObjectsContainersList |
| A list of objects containers, useful for accessing objects in a scoped way, along with methods to access them. More...
class | ObjectTools |
class | ParameterMetadataContainer |
| Used as a base class for classes that will own events-backed functions. More...
class | PlatformSpecificAssets |
| Store the icons, splashscreens or reference to any other asset that can be needed when exporting the game. More...
class | Project |
| Base class representing a project (game), including all resources, scenes, objects, extensions... More...
class | ProjectScopedContainers |
| Holds references to variables, objects, properties and other containers. More...
class | PropertiesContainer |
| A container of properties, used for custom behaviors, custom objects, extensions... More...
class | PropertiesContainersList |
| A list of property containers, useful for accessing properties in a scoped way. More...
class | PropertyDescriptor |
| Used to describe a property shown in a property grid. More...
class | QuickCustomization |
class | QuickCustomizationVisibilitiesContainer |
class | Resource |
| Base class to describe a resource used by a game. More...
class | ImageResource |
| Describe an image/texture used by a project. More...
class | AudioResource |
| Describe an audio file used by a project. More...
class | FontResource |
| Describe a font file used by a project. More...
class | VideoResource |
| Describe a video file used by a project. More...
class | JsonResource |
| Describe a json file used by a project. More...
class | SpineResource |
| Describe a spine json file used by a project. More...
class | TilemapResource |
| Describe a tilemap file used by a project. More...
class | TilesetResource |
| Describe a tileset file used by a project. More...
class | BitmapFontResource |
| Describe a bitmap font file used by a project. More...
class | Model3DResource |
| Describe a 3D model file used by a project. More...
class | AtlasResource |
| Describe an atlas file used by a project. More...
class | JavaScriptResource |
| Describe a video file used by a project. More...
class | ResourcesManager |
| Inventory all resources used by a project. More...
class | ResourceFolder |
class | Variable |
| Defines a variable which can be used by an object, a layout or a project. More...
class | VariablesContainer |
| Class defining a container for gd::Variable. More...
class | VariablesContainersList |
| A list of variables containers, useful for accessing variables in a scoped way. More...
class | Watermark |
| Describe the content and set up of the watermark. More...
class | Serializer |
| The class used to save/load projects and GDCore classes from/to XML or JSON. More...
class | SerializerElement |
| A generic container that can represent a value ( containing a string, double, bool or int), an object ("associative array", "dictionary") with children or an array (children indexed by numeric properties). More...
class | SerializerValue |
| A value stored inside a gd::SerializerElement. More...
class | String |
| String represents an UTF8 encoded string. More...
struct | _Unique_if |
struct | _Unique_if< T[]> |
struct | _Unique_if< T[N]> |
class | SerializableWithNameList |
| A class template that store a list of elements that can be accessed by their names and serialized. More...
class | SPtrList |
class | SystemStats |
| Tool class to provide information about the system. More...
class | VersionWrapper |
| Used to get information about GDevelop Core version. More...
class | Vector2 |
| Utility template class for manipulating 2-dimensional vectors. More...
double | Pi () |
double | Round (double d) |
BaseEventSPtr GD_CORE_API | CloneRememberingOriginalEvent (BaseEventSPtr event) |
std::shared_ptr< Instruction > GD_CORE_API | CloneRememberingOriginalElement (std::shared_ptr< Instruction > instruction) |
void | OpenPoint (Point &point, const gd::SerializerElement &element) |
void | OpenPointsSprites (vector< Point > &points, const gd::SerializerElement &element) |
void | SavePoint (const Point &point, gd::SerializerElement &element) |
void | SavePointsSprites (const vector< Point > &points, gd::SerializerElement &element) |
void | SaveSpritesDirection (const vector< Sprite > &sprites, gd::SerializerElement &element) |
gd::String | ReplaceAllOccurrencesCaseInsensitive (gd::String context, const gd::String &from, const gd::String &to) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ExpressionCompletionDescription const &value) |
| Turn an ExpressionCompletionDescription to a string.
gd::ResourceWorkerInEventsWorker | GetResourceWorkerOnEvents (const gd::Project &project, gd::ArbitraryResourceWorker &worker) |
gd::ResourceWorkerInObjectsWorker | GetResourceWorkerOnObjects (const gd::Project &project, gd::ArbitraryResourceWorker &worker) |
std::vector< gd::String > | GetHiddenLayers (const Layout &layout) |
| Get the names of all layers from the given layout that are invisible. More...
gd::String GD_CORE_API | GetTypeOfObject (const ObjectsContainer &game, const ObjectsContainer &layout, gd::String objectName, bool searchInGroups=true) |
| Get a type from an object/group name. More...
void GD_CORE_API | FilterBehaviorNamesFromObject (const gd::Object &object, const gd::String &behaviorType, std::vector< gd::String > &behaviorNames) |
std::vector< gd::String > GD_CORE_API | GetBehaviorNamesInObjectOrGroup (const gd::ObjectsContainer &project, const gd::ObjectsContainer &layout, const gd::String &objectOrGroupName, const gd::String &behaviorType, bool searchInGroups) |
| Get the names of behavior of a given type if an object or all objects of a group has it.
bool GD_CORE_API | HasBehaviorInObjectOrGroup (const gd::ObjectsContainer &project, const gd::ObjectsContainer &layout, const gd::String &objectOrGroupName, const gd::String &behaviorName, bool searchInGroups=true) |
| Check if an object or all objects of a group has a behavior. More...
bool GD_CORE_API | IsDefaultBehavior (const gd::ObjectsContainer &project, const gd::ObjectsContainer &layout, gd::String objectOrGroupName, gd::String behaviorName, bool searchInGroups=true) |
| Check if a behavior is a default one or doesn't exist in an object or all objects of a group.
gd::String GD_CORE_API | GetTypeOfBehaviorInObjectOrGroup (const gd::ObjectsContainer &project, const gd::ObjectsContainer &layout, const gd::String &objectOrGroupName, const gd::String &behaviorName, bool searchInGroups=true) |
| Get the type of a behavior if an object or all objects of a group has it.
gd::String GD_CORE_API | GetTypeOfBehavior (const ObjectsContainer &game, const ObjectsContainer &layout, gd::String behaviorName, bool searchInGroups=true) |
| Get a type from a behavior name. More...
vector< gd::String > GD_CORE_API | GetBehaviorsOfObject (const ObjectsContainer &game, const ObjectsContainer &layout, const gd::String &objectName, bool searchInGroups=true) |
| Get behaviors of an object/group. More...
String GD_CORE_API | operator+ (String lhs, const String &rhs) |
String GD_CORE_API | operator+ (String lhs, const char *rhs) |
String GD_CORE_API | operator+ (const char *lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator== (const String &lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator== (const String &lhs, const char *rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator== (const char *lhs, const gd::String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator!= (const String &lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator!= (const String &lhs, const char *rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator!= (const char *lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator< (const String &lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator< (const String &lhs, const char *rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator< (const char *lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator<= (const String &lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator<= (const String &lhs, const char *rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator<= (const char *lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator> (const String &lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator> (const String &lhs, const char *rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator> (const char *lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator>= (const String &lhs, const String &rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator>= (const String &lhs, const char *rhs) |
bool GD_CORE_API | operator>= (const char *lhs, const String &rhs) |
std::ostream &GD_CORE_API | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const String &str) |
std::istream &GD_CORE_API | operator>> (std::istream &is, String &str) |
bool GD_CORE_API | CaseSensitiveEquiv (String lhs, String rhs, bool compat) |
bool GD_CORE_API | CaseInsensitiveEquiv (const String &lhs, const String &rhs, bool compat) |
Handle | OpenLibrary (const char *path) |
| Open a raw C++ dynamic library. More...
void * | GetSymbol (Handle library, const char *name) |
| Get a raw symbol from a raw C++ dynamic library.
void | CloseLibrary (Handle library) |
| Close a raw C++ dynamic library. More...
gd::String | DynamicLibraryLastError () |
| Get the last error occurred when loading a dynamic library.
Handle | SetLibraryGlobal (const char *path) |
template<typename T > |
T & | HexToRgb (int hexValue, T &output) |
void GD_CORE_API | LogWarning (const gd::String &msg) |
| Standard function that should be used when emitting a warning to be displayed to the user.
void GD_CORE_API | LogError (const gd::String &msg) |
| Standard function that should be used when emitting an error to be displayed to the user.
void GD_CORE_API | LogFatalError (const gd::String &msg) |
| Standard function that should be used when emitting an error to be displayed to the user before a crash/undefined behavior.
void GD_CORE_API | LogMessage (const gd::String &msg) |
| Standard function that should be used when emitting a message to be displayed to the user.
void GD_CORE_API | LogStatus (const gd::String &msg) |
| Standard function that should be used when emitting a status message to be displayed to the user.
template<class T , class... Args> |
_Unique_if< T >::_Single_object | make_unique (Args &&... args) |
template<class T > |
_Unique_if< T >::_Unknown_bound | make_unique (size_t n) |
template<class T , class... Args> |
_Unique_if< T >::_Known_bound | make_unique (Args &&...)=delete |
template<class T > |
std::unique_ptr< T > | Clone (const std::unique_ptr< T > &object) |
template<class T > |
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< T > > | Clone (const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< T >> &vector) |
int | parseLine (char *line) |
const String &GD_CORE_API | operator|| (const String &lhs, const String &rhs) |
String GD_CORE_API | operator|| (String lhs, const char *rhs) |