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gd::String Class Reference

String represents an UTF8 encoded string. More...

#include <String.h>


class  StringIterator

Public Types

using value_type = char32_t
using reference = char32_t &
using const_reference = const char32_t &
using pointer = char32_t *
using const_pointer = const char32_t *
using size_type = std::string::size_type
using difference_type = std::string::difference_type
using iterator = StringIterator< std::string::iterator >
using const_iterator = StringIterator< std::string::const_iterator >
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator< iterator >
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator< const_iterator >

Public Member Functions

 String ()
 String (const char *characters)
 String (const std::u32string &string)
Assignment (implicit conversions)
Stringoperator= (const char *characters)
Stringoperator= (const std::u32string &string)
bool empty () const
 Returns true if the string is empty.
size_type size () const
 Returns the string's length.
size_type length () const
 Returns the string's length.
void clear ()
 Clear the string. More...
void reserve (gd::String::size_type size)
String::iterator begin ()
 Get a beginning iterator.
String::const_iterator begin () const
 Get a constant beginning iterator.
String::iterator end ()
 Get a ending iterator.
String::const_iterator end () const
 Get a constant ending iterator.
Conversions to other string types
std::string ToLocale () const
std::u32string ToUTF32 () const
std::string ToUTF8 () const
std::wstring ToWide () const
UTF8 tools
bool IsValid () const
StringReplaceInvalid (value_type replacement=0xfffd)
 Searches the string for invalid characters and replaces them with replacement. More...
Element access / Internal string access
value_type operator[] (const size_type position) const
 Returns the code point at the specified position. More...
std::string & Raw ()
 Get the raw UTF8-encoded std::string.
const std::string & Raw () const
 Get the raw UTF8-encoded std::string.
const char * c_str () const
 Get the C-string.
String modifiers
Stringoperator+= (const String &other)
Stringoperator+= (const char *other)
Stringoperator+= (value_type character)
void push_back (value_type character)
 Add a character (from its codepoint) at the end of the String. More...
void pop_back ()
 Remove the last character of the String. More...
Stringinsert (size_type pos, const String &str)
 Inserts characters right before the character at pos. More...
Stringreplace (iterator i1, iterator i2, const String &str)
 Replace the portion of the String between i1 and i2 (i2 not included) by the String str. More...
Stringreplace (iterator i1, iterator i2, size_type n, const char c)
 Replace the portion of the String between i1 and i2 (i2 not included) by n consecutive copies of character c. More...
Stringreplace (size_type pos, size_type len, const String &str)
 Replace the portion of the String between pos and pos + len (the character at pos + len is not included) with str. More...
Stringreplace (size_type pos, size_type len, const char c)
 Replace the portion of the String between pos and pos + len (the character at pos + len is not included) with the character c. More...
Stringreplace_if (iterator i1, iterator i2, std::function< bool(char32_t)> p, const String &str)
 Search in the portion of the String between i1 and i2 (i2 not included) for characters matching predicate function p and replace them by the String str. More...
StringRemoveConsecutiveOccurrences (iterator i1, iterator i2, const char c)
 Remove consecutive occurrences of the character c in the portion of the between i1 and i2 (i2 not included) to replace it by a single occurrence. More...
iterator erase (iterator first, iterator last)
 Erase the characters between first and last (last not included). More...
iterator erase (iterator p)
 Erase the character pointed by p. More...
void erase (size_type pos=0, size_type len=npos)
 Erase the characters between the positions pos and pos + len (pos + len not included). More...

Static Public Member Functions

Conversions from other string types
static String FromLocale (const std::string &localizedString)
static String FromUTF32 (const std::u32string &string)
static String FromUTF8 (const std::string &utf8Str)
static String FromWide (const std::wstring &wstr)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr size_type npos = -1

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

bool GD_CORE_API CaseSensitiveEquiv (String lhs, String rhs, bool compat=true)
bool GD_CORE_API CaseInsensitiveEquiv (const String &lhs, const String &rhs, bool compat=true)
Non-member operators
String GD_CORE_API operator+ (String lhs, const String &rhs)
String GD_CORE_API operator+ (String lhs, const char *rhs)
String GD_CORE_API operator+ (const char *lhs, const String &rhs)
Relational operators
bool GD_CORE_API operator== (const String &lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator== (const String &lhs, const char *rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator== (const char *lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator!= (const String &lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator!= (const String &lhs, const char *rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator!= (const char *lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator< (const String &lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator< (const String &lhs, const char *rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator< (const char *lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator<= (const String &lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator<= (const String &lhs, const char *rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator<= (const char *lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator> (const String &lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator> (const String &lhs, const char *rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator> (const char *lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator>= (const String &lhs, const String &rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator>= (const String &lhs, const char *rhs)
bool GD_CORE_API operator>= (const char *lhs, const String &rhs)
Stream operators
std::ostream &GD_CORE_API operator<< (std::ostream &os, const String &str)
std::istream &GD_CORE_API operator>> (std::istream &is, String &str)

String operations

enum  NormForm { NFD , NFC , NFKD , NFKC }
std::vector< StringSplit (value_type delimiter) const
 Split the string with a delimiter. More...
String CaseFold () const
 Returns the case-folded string. More...
String UpperCase () const
 Returns the string in uppercase. More...
String LowerCase () const
 Returns the string in lowercase. More...
String CapitalizeFirstLetter () const
 Returns the string with the first letter in upper case.
String FindAndReplace (String search, String replacement, bool all=true) const
 Searches a string for a specified substring and returns a new string where all occurrences of this substring is replaced. More...
String LeftTrim (const gd::String &chars=" \t\n\v\f\r")
 Removes the specified characters (by default all the "whitespaces" and line breaks) from the beginning of the string, and return the new string.
String RightTrim (const gd::String &chars=" \t\n\v\f\r")
 Removes the specified characters (by default all the "whitespaces" and line breaks) from the end of the string, and return the new string.
String Trim (const gd::String &chars=" \t\n\v\f\r")
 Removes the specified characters (by default all the "whitespaces" and line breaks) from the beginning and the end of the string and return the new string.
StringNormalize (NormForm form=NFC)
String substr (size_type start=0, size_type length=npos) const
size_type find (const String &search, size_type pos=0) const
size_type find (const char *search, size_type pos=0) const
size_type find (const value_type search, size_type pos=0) const
size_type rfind (const String &search, size_type pos=npos) const
size_type rfind (const char *search, size_type pos=npos) const
size_type rfind (const value_type &search, size_type pos=npos) const
size_type find_first_of (const String &match, size_type startPos=0) const
 Searches the string for the first character that matches any of the characters specified in its arguments. More...
size_type find_first_not_of (const String &not_match, size_type startPos=0) const
 Searches the string for the first character that doesn't match any of the characters specified in its arguments. More...
size_type find_last_of (const String &match, size_type endPos=npos) const
 Searches the string for the last character that matches any of the characters specified in its arguments. More...
size_type find_last_not_of (const String &not_match, size_type endPos=npos) const
 Searches the string for the last character that doesn't match any of the characters specified in its arguments. More...
int compare (const String &other) const
 Compares the current string with another.
size_type FindCaseInsensitive (const String &search, size_type pos=0) const
 Do a case-insensitive search. More...

Convert from/to numbers

template<typename T >
To () const
 Method to convert the string to a number. More...
template<typename T >
static String From (T value)
 Method to create a gd::String from a number (float, double, int, ...) More...

Detailed Description

String represents an UTF8 encoded string.

This class represents an UTF8 encoded string. It provides almost the same features as the STL std::string class but is UTF8 aware (size() returns the number of characters, not the number of bytes for example).

What is UTF8 and Unicode ?

(from and

Unicode is a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems. Unicode can be implemented by different character encodings. The most commonly used encodings are UTF-8, UTF-16 and the now-obsolete UCS-2.

UTF-8 is a character encoding capable of encoding all possible characters, or code points, in Unicode. The encoding is variable-length (not every codepoint is 1 byte long) and uses 8-bit code units. It was designed for backward compatibility with ASCII. UTF-8 encodes each of the 1,112,064 valid code points in the Unicode code space using one to four 8-bit bytes (a group of 8 bits is known as an octet in the Unicode Standard). Code points with lower numerical values (i.e., earlier code positions in the Unicode character set, which tend to occur more frequently) are encoded using fewer bytes. The first 128 characters of Unicode, which correspond one-to-one with ASCII, are encoded using a single octet with the same binary value as ASCII, making valid ASCII text valid UTF-8-encoded Unicode as well.


The String class stores internally the string as an UTF8 encoded std::string. It results in some limitations : it's impossible to edit a single character with operator[]() nor at() because the new character length might not be the same.

The gd::String class supports almost all Unicode characters, except the ones that can't be represented as a single codepoint (obviously, a codepoint can be represented by 1 to 4 bytes, as codepoints are encoded in UTF8). For examples, some special letters are composed of multiple codepoints (a letter, and the accents). Most of them can be combined into a single codepoint but some can't. These are the not supported ones. See Normalization.


The UTF8 encoding has the advantage to reduce the RAM consumption compared to UTF16 or UTF32 for strings using a lot of latin characters. But the characters variable length brings some performance issues compared to fixed size encoding. That's why the complexity of each methods is written in their documentation. For instance, the size() method is linear on the string size and so is the operator[]().

Conversions from/to other string types

The String handles implicit conversion with std::String (implicit constructor and implicit conversion operator).

However, this is not the case with std::string as this conversion is not often lossless (mostly on Windows). You need to explicitly call gd::String::FromLocale or gd::String::FromUTF8 to convert a std::string to a String. However, if you want to get a String object from a string literal, you can directly use the operator=() or the constructor as they are supporting const char* as argument (it assumes the string literal is encoded in UTF8, so you'll need to put the u8 prefix).

Conversion from/to std::string

//Get a String from a std::string encoded in the current locale
std::string ansiStr = "Some beautiful localized characters. "; //Encoded in ANSI on Windows, UTF8 on Linux
//Create a String using a string literal encoded in UTF8
gd::String anotherStr = u8"This is an UTF8 string";
//The same as gd::String anotherStr = gd::utf8::FromUTF8(u8"This is an UTF8 string");
//But it works only with string literals.
gd::String finalStr = str + anotherStr; //Concatenates the two Strings
std::cout << finalStr.ToLocale() << std::endl //Shows "Some beautiful localized characters. This is an UTF8 string"
String represents an UTF8 encoded string.
Definition: String.h:33
std::string ToLocale() const
Definition: String.cpp:135
static String FromLocale(const std::string &localizedString)
Definition: String.cpp:88


This class stores Unicode strings normalized with NFC which means that all characters are combined (if they can). For example, the "à" character can be written in two ways according to the Unicode norm : U+00E0 (the "à" in a single codepoint) or U+0061 (the "a" letter codepoint) + U+0300 "the "`" combining accent. We say that they are canonically equivalent. However, this can cause problem when comparing strings, that's why this class normalizes the string when constructed using the Normalization Form Composition (all characters are combined, e.g. "à" is represented by a single codepoint). If the string is invalid when constructed, the string is not normalized : it will be normalized when the invalid characters will be removed using gd::String::ReplaceInvalid().

Case-insensitive comparison

In Unicode, uppercasing/lowercasing strings to compare them in a case-insensitive way is not recommended. That's why the function gd::CaseInsensitiveEquiv exists to compare two strings in a case-insensitive way.


Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ NormForm

Normalization form


Normalization Form Decomposition: characters are decomposed by canonical equivalence, and multiple combining characters are arranged in a specific order.


Normalization Form Composition: characters are decomposed and then recomposed by canonical equivalence.


Normalization Form Compatibility Decomposition: characters are decomposed by compatibility, and multiple combining characters are arranged in a specific order.


Normalization Form Compatibility Composition: characters are decomposed by compatibility, then recomposed by canonical equivalence.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ String() [1/3]

gd::String::String ( )

Constructs an empty string.

◆ String() [2/3]

gd::String::String ( const char *  characters)

Constructs a string from an array of char representing a string encoded in UTF8.

Useful to implicitly create a String object from a string literal.


gd::String str(u8"A little sentence.");

◆ String() [3/3]

gd::String::String ( const std::u32string &  string)

Constructs a String from a std::u32string.


gd::String str(U"A UTF32 encoded string.");

Member Function Documentation

◆ CaseFold()

String gd::String::CaseFold ( ) const

Returns the case-folded string.

This string is almost but not totally suitable for case-insensitive comparison because you have to make sure that it is normalized. So, to do a case-insensitive comparison, do :
str1.CaseFold().Normalize() == str2.CaseFold().Normalize()
You can also use gd::CaseInsensitiveEquiv();

◆ clear()

void gd::String::clear ( )

Clear the string.

Iterators : Obviously, all iterators are invalidated.

◆ erase() [1/3]

String::iterator gd::String::erase ( String::iterator  first,
String::iterator  last 

Erase the characters between first and last (last not included).

firstan iterator to the first character to remove
lastan iterator to the character next to the last one to remove
an iterator pointing at the old position of the first deleted character

◆ erase() [2/3]

String::iterator gd::String::erase ( String::iterator  p)

Erase the character pointed by p.

pan iterator pointing to the character to be erased
an interator pointing at the old position of the deleted character

◆ erase() [3/3]

void gd::String::erase ( String::size_type  pos = 0,
String::size_type  len = npos 

Erase the characters between the positions pos and pos + len (pos + len not included).

posthe position of the first character to remove
lenthe number of characters to remove from pos

◆ find() [1/3]

String::size_type gd::String::find ( const char *  search,
String::size_type  pos = 0 
) const
the position of the first occurrence of search starting from pos.

◆ find() [2/3]

String::size_type gd::String::find ( const String search,
String::size_type  pos = 0 
) const
the position of the first occurrence of search starting from pos.

◆ find() [3/3]

String::size_type gd::String::find ( const value_type  search,
String::size_type  pos = 0 
) const
the position of the first occurrence of search starting from pos.

◆ find_first_not_of()

String::size_type gd::String::find_first_not_of ( const String not_match,
size_type  startPos = 0 
) const

Searches the string for the first character that doesn't match any of the characters specified in its arguments.

not_matchthe characters that will be looked for in the String
startPoswhere to start the search
the position of the first found character

◆ find_first_of()

String::size_type gd::String::find_first_of ( const String match,
size_type  startPos = 0 
) const

Searches the string for the first character that matches any of the characters specified in its arguments.

matchthe characters that will be looked for in the String
startPoswhere to start the search
the position of the first found character

◆ find_last_not_of()

String::size_type gd::String::find_last_not_of ( const String not_match,
size_type  endPos = npos 
) const

Searches the string for the last character that doesn't match any of the characters specified in its arguments.

not_matchthe characters that will be looked for in the String
endPoswhere to end the search (this is the last character considered in the search)
the position of the last found character

◆ find_last_of()

String::size_type gd::String::find_last_of ( const String match,
size_type  endPos = npos 
) const

Searches the string for the last character that matches any of the characters specified in its arguments.

matchthe characters that will be looked for in the String
endPoswhere to end the search (this is the last character considered in the search)
the position of the last found character

◆ FindAndReplace()

String gd::String::FindAndReplace ( String  search,
String  replacement,
bool  all = true 
) const

Searches a string for a specified substring and returns a new string where all occurrences of this substring is replaced.

searchThe string that will be replaced by the new string.
replacementThe value to replace the old substring with.
allIf set to false, only the first matching substring will be replaced.

◆ FindCaseInsensitive()

String::size_type gd::String::FindCaseInsensitive ( const String search,
size_type  pos = 0 
) const

Do a case-insensitive search.

the position of the first occurrence of search starting from pos.
This method isn't very efficient as it is linear on the string size times the search string size

◆ From()

template<typename T >
static String gd::String::From ( value)

Method to create a gd::String from a number (float, double, int, ...)

a gd::String created from value.

◆ FromLocale()

String gd::String::FromLocale ( const std::string &  localizedString)
a String created from a std::string encoded in the current locale.

See Conversion from/to std::string for more information.

◆ FromUTF32()

String gd::String::FromUTF32 ( const std::u32string &  string)
a String created from a std::u32string.

◆ FromUTF8()

String gd::String::FromUTF8 ( const std::string &  utf8Str)
a String created an UTF8 encoded std::string.

◆ FromWide()

String gd::String::FromWide ( const std::wstring &  wstr)
a String created from a std::wstring (UTF32 on Linux and UCS-2 on Windows)

◆ insert()

String & gd::String::insert ( size_type  pos,
const String str 

Inserts characters right before the character at pos.


Iterators : All iterators may be invalidated.

◆ IsValid()

bool gd::String::IsValid ( ) const
true if the string is valid.

◆ LowerCase()

String gd::String::LowerCase ( ) const

Returns the string in lowercase.

Some characters that maps to multiple characters when lowercased may not be processed, e.g. double SS to etzett in german.

◆ Normalize()

String & gd::String::Normalize ( String::NormForm  form = NFC)

Normalize the string using the normalization form form.


◆ operator=()

String & gd::String::operator= ( const char *  characters)

Assign the String using a string literal (it assumes that the string literal is encoded in UTF8).


str = u8"This is a test string.";

◆ operator[]()

String::value_type gd::String::operator[] ( const size_type  position) const

Returns the code point at the specified position.

This operator has a linear complexity on the character's position. You should avoid to use it in a loop and use the iterators provided by this class instead.

◆ pop_back()

void gd::String::pop_back ( )

Remove the last character of the String.

**Iterators : ** All iterators may be invalidated (in particular if the string is reallocated).

◆ push_back()

void gd::String::push_back ( String::value_type  character)

Add a character (from its codepoint) at the end of the String.

**Iterators : ** All iterators may be invalidated (in particular if the string is reallocated).

◆ RemoveConsecutiveOccurrences()

String & gd::String::RemoveConsecutiveOccurrences ( iterator  i1,
iterator  i2,
const char  c 

Remove consecutive occurrences of the character c in the portion of the between i1 and i2 (i2 not included) to replace it by a single occurrence.


Iterators : All iterators may be invalidated.

◆ replace() [1/4]

String & gd::String::replace ( iterator  i1,
iterator  i2,
const String str 

Replace the portion of the String between i1 and i2 (i2 not included) by the String str.


Iterators : All iterators may be invalidated.

◆ replace() [2/4]

String & gd::String::replace ( iterator  i1,
iterator  i2,
size_type  n,
const char  c 

Replace the portion of the String between i1 and i2 (i2 not included) by n consecutive copies of character c.


Iterators : All iterators may be invalidated.

◆ replace() [3/4]

String & gd::String::replace ( String::size_type  pos,
String::size_type  len,
const char  c 

Replace the portion of the String between pos and pos + len (the character at pos + len is not included) with the character c.


Iterators : All iterators may be invalidated.

◆ replace() [4/4]

String & gd::String::replace ( String::size_type  pos,
String::size_type  len,
const String str 

Replace the portion of the String between pos and pos + len (the character at pos + len is not included) with str.


Iterators : All iterators may be invalidated.

◆ replace_if()

String & gd::String::replace_if ( iterator  i1,
iterator  i2,
std::function< bool(char32_t)>  p,
const String str 

Search in the portion of the String between i1 and i2 (i2 not included) for characters matching predicate function p and replace them by the String str.


Iterators : All iterators may be invalidated.

◆ ReplaceInvalid()

String & gd::String::ReplaceInvalid ( value_type  replacement = 0xfffd)

Searches the string for invalid characters and replaces them with replacement.


◆ rfind() [1/3]

String::size_type gd::String::rfind ( const char *  search,
String::size_type  pos = npos 
) const
the position of the last occurrence of search starting before pos.

◆ rfind() [2/3]

String::size_type gd::String::rfind ( const String search,
String::size_type  pos = npos 
) const
the position of the last occurrence of search starting before pos.

◆ rfind() [3/3]

String::size_type gd::String::rfind ( const value_type &  search,
String::size_type  pos = npos 
) const
the position of the last occurrence of search starting before pos.

◆ Split()

std::vector< String > gd::String::Split ( String::value_type  delimiter) const

Split the string with a delimiter.

delimiterdelimiter (an UTF32 codepoint)
a std::vector containing all the gd::String objects


gd::String str = u8"10;20;30;40";
std::vector<gd::String> splittedStr = str.Split(U';');
//the U prefix is mandatory to get a char32_t from the literal
//Now the vector contains "10", "20", "30" and "40" as gd::String objects
std::vector< String > Split(value_type delimiter) const
Split the string with a delimiter.
Definition: String.cpp:358

◆ substr()

String gd::String::substr ( String::size_type  start = 0,
String::size_type  length = npos 
) const

Returns a sub-string starting from start and with length length.

◆ To()

template<typename T >
T gd::String::To ( ) const

Method to convert the string to a number.

the string converted to the type T

◆ ToLocale()

std::string gd::String::ToLocale ( ) const
a localized std::string from the current string.

See Conversion from/to std::string for more information.

◆ ToUTF32()

std::u32string gd::String::ToUTF32 ( ) const
a std::u32string.

◆ ToUTF8()

std::string gd::String::ToUTF8 ( ) const
a UTF8 encoded std::string from the current string.

◆ ToWide()

std::wstring gd::String::ToWide ( ) const
a wide string (std::wstring) encoded in UTF32 on Linux and in UCS-2 on Windows
On Windows, this is possibly a lossy conversion.

◆ UpperCase()

String gd::String::UpperCase ( ) const

Returns the string in uppercase.

Some characters that maps to multiple characters when uppercased may not be processed, e.g. the german etzett.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CaseInsensitiveEquiv()

bool GD_CORE_API CaseInsensitiveEquiv ( const String lhs,
const String rhs,
bool  compat = true 
compatif true, the strings are normalized using a compatibility normalization form to remove characters special appearance.
true if the two string are equivalent (in a case-insensitive way).

◆ CaseSensitiveEquiv()

bool GD_CORE_API CaseSensitiveEquiv ( String  lhs,
String  rhs,
bool  compat = true 
compatif true, the strings are normalized using a compatibility normalization form to remove characters special appearance.
true if the two string are equivalent (in a case-sensitive way).

◆ operator+() [1/3]

String GD_CORE_API operator+ ( const char *  lhs,
const String rhs 
a String containing the concatenation of lhs and rhs (lhs is converted to gd::String assuming it's encoded in UTF8).

◆ operator+() [2/3]

String GD_CORE_API operator+ ( String  lhs,
const char *  rhs 
a String containing the concatenation of lhs and rhs (rhs is converted to gd::String assuming it's encoded in UTF8).

◆ operator+() [3/3]

String GD_CORE_API operator+ ( String  lhs,
const String rhs 
a String containing the concatenation of lhs and rhs.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream &GD_CORE_API operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const String str 

Outputs the string in a stream.

The string is converted to the current locale before. If you want to stream the string as UTF8, do :
std::cout << myString.Raw();

◆ operator>>()

std::istream &GD_CORE_API operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
String str 

Extracts a string from an input string assuming the stream inputs characters encoded in the current locale.

The content of the string is replaced.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: