GDevelop Core
Core library for developing platforms and tools compatible with GDevelop.
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members

Base class representing a project (game), including all resources, scenes, objects, extensions... More...

#include <Project.h>

Public Member Functions

 Project (const Project &)
Projectoperator= (const Project &rhs)
void UnserializeFrom (const SerializerElement &element)
 Unserialize the project from an element.
void SerializeTo (SerializerElement &element) const
 Serialize the project. More...
unsigned int GetLastSaveGDMajorVersion ()
unsigned int GetLastSaveGDMinorVersion ()
unsigned int GetLastSaveGDBuildVersion ()
gd::WholeProjectDiagnosticReportGetWholeProjectDiagnosticReport ()
Common properties

Some properties for the project

void SetName (const gd::String &name_)
 Change the project name.
const gd::StringGetName () const
 Get the project name.
const std::vector< gd::String > & GetCategories () const
 Get the categories/genres of the project.
std::vector< gd::String > & GetCategories ()
 Get the categories of the project, to modify them (non-const).
void SetDescription (const gd::String &description_)
 Change the project description.
const gd::StringGetDescription () const
 Get the project description.
void SetVersion (const gd::String &version_)
 Change the version of the project. This can be freely set, but should follow "X.Y.Z" format for compatibility with some exporters.
const gd::StringGetVersion () const
 Get the project version.
void SetAuthor (const gd::String &author_)
 Change the author of the project.
const gd::StringGetAuthor () const
 Get the project author name.
const std::vector< gd::String > & GetAuthorIds () const
 Get the author ids of the project.
std::vector< gd::String > & GetAuthorIds ()
 Get the author ids of the project, to modify them (non-const).
const std::vector< gd::String > & GetAuthorUsernames () const
 Get the author usernames of the project.
std::vector< gd::String > & GetAuthorUsernames ()
 Get the author usernames of the project, to modify them (non-const).
void SetPlayableWithKeyboard (bool playable=true)
bool IsPlayableWithKeyboard () const
void SetPlayableWithGamepad (bool playable=true)
bool IsPlayableWithGamepad () const
void SetPlayableWithMobile (bool playable=true)
bool IsPlayableWithMobile () const
void SetPackageName (const gd::String &packageName_)
 Change the project package name.
const gd::StringGetPackageName () const
 Get the project package name.
void SetTemplateSlug (const gd::String &templateSlug_)
 Change the slug of the template from which the project is created.
const gd::StringGetTemplateSlug () const
 Get the slug of the template from which the project is created.
void SetOrientation (const gd::String &orientation_)
 Change the project orientation (in particular when exported with Cordova). This has no effect on desktop and web browsers. More...
const gd::StringGetOrientation () const
 Get the project orientation ("default", "landscape", "portrait").
void SetProjectFile (const gd::String &file)
const gd::StringGetProjectFile () const
void SetFolderProject (bool enable=true)
bool IsFolderProject () const
void SetLastCompilationDirectory (const gd::String &dir)
const gd::StringGetLastCompilationDirectory () const
gd::PlatformSpecificAssetsGetPlatformSpecificAssets ()
 Return a reference to platform assets of the project (icons, splashscreen...).
const gd::PlatformSpecificAssetsGetPlatformSpecificAssets () const
 Return a reference to platform assets of the project (icons, splashscreen...).
gd::LoadingScreenGetLoadingScreen ()
 Return a reference to loading screen setup for the project.
const gd::LoadingScreenGetLoadingScreen () const
 Return a reference to loading screen setup for the project.
gd::WatermarkGetWatermark ()
 Return a reference to watermark setup for the project.
const gd::WatermarkGetWatermark () const
 Return a reference to watermark setup for the project.
void SetGameResolutionSize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
unsigned int GetGameResolutionWidth () const
 Returns the default game resolution width.
unsigned int GetGameResolutionHeight () const
 Returns the default game resolution height.
bool GetAdaptGameResolutionAtRuntime () const
 Returns true if the game resolution should be adapted to the window size at runtime.
void SetAdaptGameResolutionAtRuntime (bool adaptGameResolutionAtRuntime_)
 Set if the game resolution should be adapted to the window size at runtime. More...
const gd::StringGetSizeOnStartupMode () const
 Get how the game size should be adapted to the screen.
void SetSizeOnStartupMode (const gd::String &mode)
 Set how to adapt the game size to the screen. More...
void SetMaximumFPS (int maxFPS_)
int GetMaximumFPS () const
void SetMinimumFPS (unsigned int minFPS_)
unsigned int GetMinimumFPS () const
bool IsVerticalSynchronizationEnabledByDefault () const
void SetVerticalSyncActivatedByDefault (bool enable)
const gd::StringGetScaleMode () const
void SetScaleMode (const gd::String &scaleMode_)
bool GetPixelsRounding () const
void SetPixelsRounding (bool enable)
const gd::StringGetAntialiasingMode () const
void SetAntialiasingMode (const gd::String &antialiasingMode_)
bool IsAntialisingEnabledOnMobile () const
void SetAntialisingEnabledOnMobile (bool enable)
bool GetUseDeprecatedZeroAsDefaultZOrder () const
 Return if the project should set 0 as Z-order for objects created from events (which is deprecated) - instead of the highest Z order that was found on each layer when the scene started.
void SetUseDeprecatedZeroAsDefaultZOrder (bool enable)
 Set if the project should set 0 as Z-order for objects created from events (which is deprecated) - instead of the highest Z order that was found on each layer when the scene started.
void SetProjectUuid (const gd::String &projectUuid_)
 Change the project UUID.
const gd::StringGetProjectUuid () const
 Get the project UUID, useful when using the game on online services that would require a unique identifier.
void ResetProjectUuid ()
 Create a new project UUID.
gd::ExtensionPropertiesGetExtensionProperties ()
 Get the properties set by extensions. More...
const gd::ExtensionPropertiesGetExtensionProperties () const
 Get the properties set by extensions. More...
const std::vector< Platform * > & GetUsedPlatforms () const
void AddPlatform (Platform &platform)
bool RemovePlatform (const gd::String &platformName)
PlatformGetCurrentPlatform () const
 Return a reference to the platform being currently used to edit the project.
void SetCurrentPlatform (const gd::String &platformName)
 Set the platform to be used to edit the project. More...
Factory method

Member functions used to create objects for the project

std::unique_ptr< gd::ObjectCreateObject (const gd::String &type, const gd::String &name) const
void EnsureObjectDefaultBehaviors (gd::Object &object) const
std::shared_ptr< gd::BaseEventCreateEvent (const gd::String &type, const gd::String &platformName="")
Layouts management

Members functions related to layout management.

bool HasLayoutNamed (const gd::String &name) const
 Return true if layout called "name" exists.
LayoutGetLayout (const gd::String &name)
 Return a reference to the layout called "name".
const LayoutGetLayout (const gd::String &name) const
 Return a reference to the layout called "name".
LayoutGetLayout (std::size_t index)
 Return a reference to the layout at position "index" in the layout list.
const LayoutGetLayout (std::size_t index) const
 Return a reference to the layout at position "index" in the layout list.
std::size_t GetLayoutPosition (const gd::String &name) const
 Return the position of the layout called "name" in the layout list.
void MoveLayout (std::size_t oldIndex, std::size_t newIndex)
void SwapLayouts (std::size_t first, std::size_t second)
 Swap the specified layouts. More...
std::size_t GetLayoutsCount () const
 Return the number of layouts.
gd::LayoutInsertNewLayout (const gd::String &name, std::size_t position)
 Add a new empty layout called "name" at the specified position in the layout list.
gd::LayoutInsertLayout (const Layout &layout, std::size_t position)
 Add a new layout constructed from the layout passed as parameter. More...
void RemoveLayout (const gd::String &name)
 Delete layout named "name".
External events management

Members functions related to external events management.

bool HasExternalEventsNamed (const gd::String &name) const
ExternalEventsGetExternalEvents (const gd::String &name)
const ExternalEventsGetExternalEvents (const gd::String &name) const
ExternalEventsGetExternalEvents (std::size_t index)
const ExternalEventsGetExternalEvents (std::size_t index) const
std::size_t GetExternalEventsPosition (const gd::String &name) const
void MoveExternalEvents (std::size_t oldIndex, std::size_t newIndex)
void SwapExternalEvents (std::size_t first, std::size_t second)
 Swap the specified external events. More...
std::size_t GetExternalEventsCount () const
ExternalEventsInsertNewExternalEvents (const gd::String &name, std::size_t position)
 Adds a new empty external events sheet called "name" at the specified position in the layout list.
ExternalEventsInsertExternalEvents (const ExternalEvents &externalEvents, std::size_t position)
 Adds a new external events sheet constructed from the layout passed as parameter. More...
void RemoveExternalEvents (const gd::String &name)
 Delete external events named "name".
External layout management

Members functions related to external layout management.

bool HasExternalLayoutNamed (const gd::String &name) const
ExternalLayoutGetExternalLayout (const gd::String &name)
const ExternalLayoutGetExternalLayout (const gd::String &name) const
ExternalLayoutGetExternalLayout (std::size_t index)
const ExternalLayoutGetExternalLayout (std::size_t index) const
std::size_t GetExternalLayoutPosition (const gd::String &name) const
void MoveExternalLayout (std::size_t oldIndex, std::size_t newIndex)
void SwapExternalLayouts (std::size_t first, std::size_t second)
 Swap the specified external layouts. More...
std::size_t GetExternalLayoutsCount () const
gd::ExternalLayoutInsertNewExternalLayout (const gd::String &name, std::size_t position)
 Adds a new empty external layout called "name" at the specified position in the layout list.
gd::ExternalLayoutInsertExternalLayout (const ExternalLayout &externalLayout, std::size_t position)
 Adds a new external layout constructed from the layout passed as parameter. More...
void RemoveExternalLayout (const gd::String &name)
 Delete external layout named "name".
void SetFirstLayout (const gd::String &name)
const gd::StringGetFirstLayout ()
Events functions extensions management
bool HasEventsFunctionsExtensionNamed (const gd::String &name) const
 Check if events functions extension called "name" exists.
EventsFunctionsExtensionGetEventsFunctionsExtension (const gd::String &name)
 Return a reference to the events functions extension called "name".
const EventsFunctionsExtensionGetEventsFunctionsExtension (const gd::String &name) const
 Return a reference to the events functions extension called "name".
EventsFunctionsExtensionGetEventsFunctionsExtension (std::size_t index)
 Return a reference to the events functions extension at position "index" in the list.
const EventsFunctionsExtensionGetEventsFunctionsExtension (std::size_t index) const
 Return a reference to the events functions extension at position "index" in the list.
std::size_t GetEventsFunctionsExtensionPosition (const gd::String &name) const
 Return the position of the events functions extension called "name" in the list.
void MoveEventsFunctionsExtension (std::size_t oldIndex, std::size_t newIndex)
void SwapEventsFunctionsExtensions (std::size_t first, std::size_t second)
 Swap the specified events functions extensions. More...
std::size_t GetEventsFunctionsExtensionsCount () const
 Returns the number of events functions extension.
gd::EventsFunctionsExtensionInsertNewEventsFunctionsExtension (const gd::String &name, std::size_t position)
 Adds a new empty events functions extension called "name" at the specified position in the list.
gd::EventsFunctionsExtensionInsertEventsFunctionsExtension (const EventsFunctionsExtension &eventsFunctionExtension, std::size_t position)
 Adds an events functions extension to the list. More...
void UnserializeAndInsertExtensionsFrom (const gd::SerializerElement &eventsFunctionsExtensionsElement)
 Unserialize and insert in the project the extensions. More...
void RemoveEventsFunctionsExtension (const gd::String &name)
 Delete the events functions extension named "name".
void ClearEventsFunctionsExtensions ()
 Remove all the events functions extensions.
bool HasEventsBasedObject (const gd::String &type) const
 Check if events based object with a given type exists.
gd::EventsBasedObjectGetEventsBasedObject (const gd::String &type)
 Return the events based object with a given type.
const gd::EventsBasedObjectGetEventsBasedObject (const gd::String &type) const
 Return the events based object with a given type.
bool HasEventsBasedBehavior (const gd::String &type) const
 Check if events based behavior with a given type exists.
gd::EventsBasedBehaviorGetEventsBasedBehavior (const gd::String &type)
 Return the events based behavior with a given type.
const gd::EventsBasedBehaviorGetEventsBasedBehavior (const gd::String &type) const
 Return the events based behavior with a given type.
Resources management

Members functions related to resources management.

const ResourcesManagerGetResourcesManager () const
 Provide access to the ResourceManager member containing the list of the resources.
ResourcesManagerGetResourcesManager ()
 Provide access to the ResourceManager member containing the list of the resources.
Variable management

Members functions related to global variables management.

const gd::VariablesContainerGetVariables () const
gd::VariablesContainerGetVariables ()
Global objects
gd::ObjectsContainerGetObjects ()
 return the objects of the project.
const gd::ObjectsContainerGetObjects () const
 Return the objects of the project.

Static Public Member Functions

static std::vector< gd::StringGetUnserializingOrderExtensionNames (const gd::SerializerElement &eventsFunctionsExtensionsElement)
 Get the project extensions names in the order they have to be unserialized. More...
Identifier names
static bool IsNameSafe (const gd::String &name)
static gd::String GetSafeName (const gd::String &name)

Detailed Description

Base class representing a project (game), including all resources, scenes, objects, extensions...

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddPlatform()

void gd::Project::AddPlatform ( Platform platform)

Add a platform to the project

◆ CreateEvent()

std::shared_ptr< gd::BaseEvent > gd::Project::CreateEvent ( const gd::String type,
const gd::String platformName = "" 

Create an event of the given type.

A project can use more than one platform. In this case, the first platform supporting the event is used, unless platformName argument is not empty.
It is assumed that each platform provides equivalent events.
projectThe project for which the event must be created.
typeThe type of the event
platformNameThe name of the platform to be used. If empty, the first platform supporting the object is used.

◆ CreateObject()

std::unique_ptr< gd::Object > gd::Project::CreateObject ( const gd::String type,
const gd::String name 
) const

Create an object of the given type with the specified name.

typeThe type of the object
nameThe name of the object

◆ GetAntialiasingMode()

const gd::String& gd::Project::GetAntialiasingMode ( ) const

Return the antialiasing mode used by the game ("none" or "MSAA").

◆ GetExtensionProperties() [1/2]

gd::ExtensionProperties& gd::Project::GetExtensionProperties ( )

Get the properties set by extensions.

Each extension can store arbitrary values indexed by a property name, which are useful to store project wide settings (AdMob id, etc...).

◆ GetExtensionProperties() [2/2]

const gd::ExtensionProperties& gd::Project::GetExtensionProperties ( ) const

Get the properties set by extensions.

Each extension can store arbitrary values indexed by a property name, which are useful to store project wide settings (AdMob id, etc...).

◆ GetExternalEvents() [1/4]

gd::ExternalEvents & gd::Project::GetExternalEvents ( const gd::String name)

Return a reference to the external events called "name".

◆ GetExternalEvents() [2/4]

const gd::ExternalEvents & gd::Project::GetExternalEvents ( const gd::String name) const

Return a reference to the external events called "name".

◆ GetExternalEvents() [3/4]

gd::ExternalEvents & gd::Project::GetExternalEvents ( std::size_t  index)

Return a reference to the external events at position "index" in the external events list

◆ GetExternalEvents() [4/4]

const gd::ExternalEvents & gd::Project::GetExternalEvents ( std::size_t  index) const

Return a reference to the external events at position "index" in the external events list

◆ GetExternalEventsCount()

std::size_t gd::Project::GetExternalEventsCount ( ) const

Return the number of external events.

◆ GetExternalEventsPosition()

std::size_t gd::Project::GetExternalEventsPosition ( const gd::String name) const

Return the position of the external events called "name" in the external events list

◆ GetExternalLayout() [1/4]

gd::ExternalLayout & gd::Project::GetExternalLayout ( const gd::String name)

Return a reference to the external layout called "name".

◆ GetExternalLayout() [2/4]

const gd::ExternalLayout & gd::Project::GetExternalLayout ( const gd::String name) const

Return a reference to the external layout called "name".

◆ GetExternalLayout() [3/4]

gd::ExternalLayout & gd::Project::GetExternalLayout ( std::size_t  index)

Return a reference to the external layout at position "index" in the external layout list

◆ GetExternalLayout() [4/4]

const gd::ExternalLayout & gd::Project::GetExternalLayout ( std::size_t  index) const

Return a reference to the external layout at position "index" in the external layout list

◆ GetExternalLayoutPosition()

std::size_t gd::Project::GetExternalLayoutPosition ( const gd::String name) const

Return the position of the external layout called "name" in the external layout list

◆ GetExternalLayoutsCount()

std::size_t gd::Project::GetExternalLayoutsCount ( ) const

Return the number of external layout.

◆ GetFirstLayout()

const gd::String& gd::Project::GetFirstLayout ( )

Get the first layout of the project.

◆ GetLastCompilationDirectory()

const gd::String& gd::Project::GetLastCompilationDirectory ( ) const

Return the latest directory used to compile the game

See also

◆ GetLastSaveGDBuildVersion()

unsigned int gd::Project::GetLastSaveGDBuildVersion ( )

Get the minor version of GDevelop used to save the project.

◆ GetLastSaveGDMajorVersion()

unsigned int gd::Project::GetLastSaveGDMajorVersion ( )

Get the major version of GDevelop used to save the project.

◆ GetLastSaveGDMinorVersion()

unsigned int gd::Project::GetLastSaveGDMinorVersion ( )

Get the minor version of GDevelop used to save the project.

◆ GetMaximumFPS()

int gd::Project::GetMaximumFPS ( ) const

Get the default number of maximum frame par seconds

◆ GetMinimumFPS()

unsigned int gd::Project::GetMinimumFPS ( ) const

Get the default number of minimum frame par seconds

◆ GetPixelsRounding()

bool gd::Project::GetPixelsRounding ( ) const

Return true if pixels rounding option is enabled.

◆ GetProjectFile()

const gd::String& gd::Project::GetProjectFile ( ) const

Return project file

See also

◆ GetSafeName()

gd::String gd::Project::GetSafeName ( const gd::String name)

Return a name, based on the one passed in parameter, that can be safely used for an object, behavior, events function name, etc...

◆ GetScaleMode()

const gd::String& gd::Project::GetScaleMode ( ) const

Return the scale mode used by the game (usually "linear" or "nearest").

◆ GetUnserializingOrderExtensionNames()

std::vector< gd::String > gd::Project::GetUnserializingOrderExtensionNames ( const gd::SerializerElement eventsFunctionsExtensionsElement)

Get the project extensions names in the order they have to be unserialized.

Child-objects need the event-based objects they use to be loaded completely before they are unserialized.

This is only public to allow testing - don't use it in the editor.

◆ GetUsedPlatforms()

const std::vector<Platform*>& gd::Project::GetUsedPlatforms ( ) const

Return the list of platforms used by the project.

◆ GetVariables() [1/2]

gd::VariablesContainer& gd::Project::GetVariables ( )

Provide access to the gd::VariablesContainer member containing the global variables

◆ GetVariables() [2/2]

const gd::VariablesContainer& gd::Project::GetVariables ( ) const

Provide access to the gd::VariablesContainer member containing the global variables

◆ HasExternalEventsNamed()

bool gd::Project::HasExternalEventsNamed ( const gd::String name) const

Return true if external events called "name" exists.

◆ HasExternalLayoutNamed()

bool gd::Project::HasExternalLayoutNamed ( const gd::String name) const

Return true if external layout called "name" exists.

◆ InsertEventsFunctionsExtension()

gd::EventsFunctionsExtension & gd::Project::InsertEventsFunctionsExtension ( const EventsFunctionsExtension eventsFunctionExtension,
std::size_t  position 

Adds an events functions extension to the list.

A copy of it is stored in the project (and returned).
The newly stored events functions extension (a copy of the one passed as parameter).

◆ InsertExternalEvents()

gd::ExternalEvents & gd::Project::InsertExternalEvents ( const ExternalEvents externalEvents,
std::size_t  position 

Adds a new external events sheet constructed from the layout passed as parameter.

No pointer or reference must be kept on the external events passed as parameter.
externalEventsThe external events that must be copied and inserted into the project
positionInsertion position. Even if the position is invalid, the external events must be inserted at the end of the external events list.

◆ InsertExternalLayout()

gd::ExternalLayout & gd::Project::InsertExternalLayout ( const ExternalLayout externalLayout,
std::size_t  position 

Adds a new external layout constructed from the layout passed as parameter.

No pointer or reference must be kept on the external layout passed as parameter.
externalLayoutThe external layout that must be copied and inserted into the projects
positionInsertion position. Even if the position is invalid, the external layout must be inserted at the end of the external layout list.

◆ InsertLayout()

gd::Layout & gd::Project::InsertLayout ( const Layout layout,
std::size_t  position 

Add a new layout constructed from the layout passed as parameter.

layoutThe layout that must be copied and inserted into the project
positionInsertion position. Even if the position is invalid, the layout must be inserted at the end of the layout list.
No pointer or reference must be kept on the layout passed as parameter.

◆ IsAntialisingEnabledOnMobile()

bool gd::Project::IsAntialisingEnabledOnMobile ( ) const

Return true if antialising is enabled on mobiles.

◆ IsFolderProject()

bool gd::Project::IsFolderProject ( ) const

Check if the project is saved as a folder project.

See also

◆ IsNameSafe()

bool gd::Project::IsNameSafe ( const gd::String name)

Return true if name is valid (can be used safely for an object, behavior, events function name, etc...).

◆ IsPlayableWithGamepad()

bool gd::Project::IsPlayableWithGamepad ( ) const

Check if the project is defined as playable with a gamepad.

◆ IsPlayableWithKeyboard()

bool gd::Project::IsPlayableWithKeyboard ( ) const

Check if the project is defined as playable with a keyboard.

◆ IsPlayableWithMobile()

bool gd::Project::IsPlayableWithMobile ( ) const

Check if the project is defined as playable on a mobile.

◆ IsVerticalSynchronizationEnabledByDefault()

bool gd::Project::IsVerticalSynchronizationEnabledByDefault ( ) const

Return true if vertical synchronization is enabled by default.

◆ MoveEventsFunctionsExtension()

void gd::Project::MoveEventsFunctionsExtension ( std::size_t  oldIndex,
std::size_t  newIndex 

Change the position of the specified events function extension.

◆ MoveExternalEvents()

void gd::Project::MoveExternalEvents ( std::size_t  oldIndex,
std::size_t  newIndex 

Change the position of the specified external events.

◆ MoveExternalLayout()

void gd::Project::MoveExternalLayout ( std::size_t  oldIndex,
std::size_t  newIndex 

Change the position of the specified external layout.

◆ MoveLayout()

void gd::Project::MoveLayout ( std::size_t  oldIndex,
std::size_t  newIndex 

Change the position of the specified layout.

◆ RemovePlatform()

bool gd::Project::RemovePlatform ( const gd::String platformName)

Remove a platform from the project.

The remove will fail if there is only one platform left.
true if the platform was removed, false otherwise.

◆ SerializeTo()

void gd::Project::SerializeTo ( SerializerElement element) const

Serialize the project.

"Dirty" flag is set to false when serialization is done.

◆ SetAdaptGameResolutionAtRuntime()

void gd::Project::SetAdaptGameResolutionAtRuntime ( bool  adaptGameResolutionAtRuntime_)

Set if the game resolution should be adapted to the window size at runtime.

See also

◆ SetAntialiasingMode()

void gd::Project::SetAntialiasingMode ( const gd::String antialiasingMode_)

Set the antialiasing mode used by the game ("none" or "MSAA").

◆ SetAntialisingEnabledOnMobile()

void gd::Project::SetAntialisingEnabledOnMobile ( bool  enable)

Set whether antialising is enabled on mobiles or not.

◆ SetCurrentPlatform()

void gd::Project::SetCurrentPlatform ( const gd::String platformName)

Set the platform to be used to edit the project.

platformNameThe name of the new current platform. If not found, the current platform won't be changed.

◆ SetFirstLayout()

void gd::Project::SetFirstLayout ( const gd::String name)

Set the first layout of the project.

◆ SetFolderProject()

void gd::Project::SetFolderProject ( bool  enable = true)

Set that the project should be saved as a folder project.

enableTrue to flag as a folder project, false to set it as single file project.

◆ SetGameResolutionSize()

void gd::Project::SetGameResolutionSize ( unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 

Change game's main window default width.

This is only the default width used when creating the main window for the first time. To change the width at runtime, use the functions related to RuntimeScene.renderWindow

◆ SetLastCompilationDirectory()

void gd::Project::SetLastCompilationDirectory ( const gd::String dir)

Called when project file has changed.

◆ SetMaximumFPS()

void gd::Project::SetMaximumFPS ( int  maxFPS_)

Change the default maximum number of frames allowed to be rendered per seconds

◆ SetMinimumFPS()

void gd::Project::SetMinimumFPS ( unsigned int  minFPS_)

Change the default minimum number of frames allowed to be rendered per seconds

◆ SetOrientation()

void gd::Project::SetOrientation ( const gd::String orientation_)

Change the project orientation (in particular when exported with Cordova). This has no effect on desktop and web browsers.

orientationThe orientation to use ("default", "landscape", "portrait").

◆ SetPixelsRounding()

void gd::Project::SetPixelsRounding ( bool  enable)

Set pixels rounding option to true or false.

◆ SetPlayableWithGamepad()

void gd::Project::SetPlayableWithGamepad ( bool  playable = true)

Define the project as playable with a gamepad.

enableTrue to define the project as playable with a gamepad.

◆ SetPlayableWithKeyboard()

void gd::Project::SetPlayableWithKeyboard ( bool  playable = true)

Define the project as playable with a keyboard.

enableTrue to define the project as playable with a keyboard.

◆ SetPlayableWithMobile()

void gd::Project::SetPlayableWithMobile ( bool  playable = true)

Define the project as playable on a mobile.

enableTrue to define the project as playable on a mobile.

◆ SetProjectFile()

void gd::Project::SetProjectFile ( const gd::String file)

Called when project file has changed.

◆ SetScaleMode()

void gd::Project::SetScaleMode ( const gd::String scaleMode_)

Set the scale mode used by the game (usually "linear" or "nearest").

◆ SetSizeOnStartupMode()

void gd::Project::SetSizeOnStartupMode ( const gd::String mode)

Set how to adapt the game size to the screen.

modeThe size to be used. Can be "adaptWidth", "adaptHeight" or empty fpr no changes to game size.

◆ SetVerticalSyncActivatedByDefault()

void gd::Project::SetVerticalSyncActivatedByDefault ( bool  enable)

Set if vertical synchronization is enabled by default.

◆ SwapEventsFunctionsExtensions()

void gd::Project::SwapEventsFunctionsExtensions ( std::size_t  first,
std::size_t  second 

Swap the specified events functions extensions.

Do nothing if indexes are not correct.

◆ SwapExternalEvents()

void gd::Project::SwapExternalEvents ( std::size_t  first,
std::size_t  second 

Swap the specified external events.

Do nothing if indexes are not correct.

◆ SwapExternalLayouts()

void gd::Project::SwapExternalLayouts ( std::size_t  first,
std::size_t  second 

Swap the specified external layouts.

Do nothing if indexes are not correct.

◆ SwapLayouts()

void gd::Project::SwapLayouts ( std::size_t  first,
std::size_t  second 

Swap the specified layouts.

Do nothing if indexes are not correct.

◆ UnserializeAndInsertExtensionsFrom()

void gd::Project::UnserializeAndInsertExtensionsFrom ( const gd::SerializerElement eventsFunctionsExtensionsElement)

Unserialize and insert in the project the extensions.

Unserialization is done in two passe to allow dependencies between extensions.

If an extension with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten.

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