Common setup for all extensions
PlatformExtension & | SetExtensionInformation (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &author_, const gd::String &license_) |
| Must be called to declare the main information about the extension.
PlatformExtension & | SetIconUrl (const gd::String &iconUrl_) |
| Set the URL of the extension icon.
PlatformExtension & | SetCategory (const gd::String &category_) |
| Set the category of the extension.
PlatformExtension & | SetExtensionHelpPath (const gd::String &helpPath_) |
| Set the path to the help, relative to the GDevelop documentation root. For example, "/all-features/collisions" for "https://wiki.gdevelop.io/gdevelop5/all-features/collisions". More...
void | MarkAsDeprecated () |
| Mark this extension as deprecated: the IDE will hide it from the user.
Declare features provided by the extension
gd::InstructionMetadata & | AddCondition (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &sentence_, const gd::String &group_, const gd::String &icon_, const gd::String &smallicon_) |
| Declare a new condition as being part of the extension.
gd::InstructionMetadata & | AddAction (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &sentence_, const gd::String &group_, const gd::String &icon_, const gd::String &smallicon_) |
| Declare a new action as being part of the extension.
gd::ExpressionMetadata & | AddExpression (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &group_, const gd::String &smallicon_) |
| Declare a new expression as being part of the extension.
gd::ExpressionMetadata & | AddStrExpression (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &group_, const gd::String &smallicon_) |
| Declare a new string expression as being part of the extension.
gd::MultipleInstructionMetadata | AddExpressionAndCondition (const gd::String &type, const gd::String &name, const gd::String &fullname, const gd::String &description, const gd::String &sentenceName, const gd::String &group, const gd::String &icon) |
| Declare a new expression and condition as being part of the extension. More...
gd::MultipleInstructionMetadata | AddExpressionAndConditionAndAction (const gd::String &type, const gd::String &name, const gd::String &fullname, const gd::String &description, const gd::String &sentenceName, const gd::String &group, const gd::String &icon) |
| Declare a new expression, condition and action as being part of the extension. More...
gd::DependencyMetadata & | AddDependency () |
gd::SourceFileMetadata & | AddSourceFile () |
template<class T > |
gd::ObjectMetadata & | AddObject (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &icon_) |
| Declare a new object as being part of the extension. More...
gd::ObjectMetadata & | AddObject (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &icon_, std::shared_ptr< gd::ObjectConfiguration > instance) |
| Declare a new object as being part of the extension. More...
gd::ObjectMetadata & | AddEventsBasedObject (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &icon_) |
| Declare a new events based object as being part of the extension. More...
gd::BehaviorMetadata & | AddBehavior (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &defaultName_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &group_, const gd::String &icon_, const gd::String &className_, std::shared_ptr< gd::Behavior > instance, std::shared_ptr< gd::BehaviorsSharedData > sharedDatasInstance) |
| Declare a new behavior as being part of the extension. More...
gd::EffectMetadata & | AddEffect (const gd::String &name_) |
| Declare a new effect as being part of the extension. More...
gd::EventMetadata & | AddEvent (const gd::String &name_, const gd::String &fullname_, const gd::String &description_, const gd::String &group_, const gd::String &smallicon_, std::shared_ptr< gd::BaseEvent > instance) |
| Declare a new event as being part of the extension.
gd::InstructionMetadata & | AddDuplicatedAction (const gd::String &newActionName, const gd::String &copiedActionName) |
| Create a new action which is the duplicate of the specified one. More...
gd::InstructionMetadata & | AddDuplicatedCondition (const gd::String &newConditionName, const gd::String &copiedConditionName, gd::DuplicatedInstructionOptions options={.unscoped=false}) |
| Create a new condition which is the duplicate of the specified one. More...
gd::ExpressionMetadata & | AddDuplicatedExpression (const gd::String &newExpressionName, const gd::String &copiedExpressionName) |
| Create a new expression which is the duplicate of the specified one. More...
gd::ExpressionMetadata & | AddDuplicatedStrExpression (const gd::String &newExpressionName, const gd::String &copiedExpressionName) |
| Create a new string expression which is the duplicate of the specified one. More...
gd::PropertyDescriptor & | RegisterProperty (const gd::String &name) |
| Adds a property to the extension.
InstructionOrExpressionGroupMetadata & | AddInstructionOrExpressionGroupMetadata (const gd::String &name) |
| Add some metadata (icon, etc...) for a group used for instructions or expressions.
void | StripUnimplementedInstructionsAndExpressions () |
| Delete all instructions having no function name or custom code generator.
Accessors to read the information and content of the extension.
const gd::String & | GetFullName () const |
| Return the name extension user friendly name.
const gd::String & | GetName () const |
| Return the name of the extension.
const gd::String & | GetCategory () const |
| Return the category of the extension.
const gd::String & | GetDescription () const |
| Return a description of the extension.
const gd::String & | GetAuthor () const |
| Return the name of the extension developer.
const gd::String & | GetLicense () const |
| Return the name of extension license.
const gd::String & | GetHelpPath () const |
| Return the help path of extension, relative to the GDevelop documentation root.
const gd::String & | GetIconUrl () const |
| Return the URL to the icon to be displayed for this extension.
const std::vector< gd::String > & | GetTags () const |
| Return keywords that help search engines find this extension.
PlatformExtension & | SetTags (const gd::String &csvTags) |
| Set keywords that help search engines find this extension.
PlatformExtension & | AddTag (const gd::String &tag) |
| Add a keyword that help search engines find this extension.
bool | IsDeprecated () const |
| Check if the extension is flagged as being deprecated.
bool | IsBuiltin () const |
| Return true if the extension is a standard extension that cannot be deactivated.
const gd::String & | GetNameSpace () |
| Get the namespace of the extension. More...
std::vector< gd::String > | GetExtensionObjectsTypes () const |
| Return a vector containing all the object types provided by the extension.
std::vector< gd::String > | GetBehaviorsTypes () const |
| Return a vector containing all the behavior types provided by the extension.
CreateFunPtr | GetObjectCreationFunctionPtr (const gd::String &objectType) const |
| Return a function to create the object if the type is handled by the extension.
std::vector< gd::String > | GetExtensionEffectTypes () const |
| Return a vector containing all the effect types provided by the extension.
std::shared_ptr< gd::BaseEvent > | CreateEvent (const gd::String &eventType) const |
| Create a custom event. More...
gd::Behavior * | GetBehavior (const gd::String &behaviorType) const |
| Get the gd::Behavior handling the given behavior type. More...
gd::BehaviorsSharedData * | GetBehaviorSharedDatas (const gd::String &behaviorType) const |
| Get the gd::BehaviorsSharedData handling the given behavior shared data. More...
ObjectMetadata & | GetObjectMetadata (const gd::String &objectType) |
| Return a reference to the ObjectMetadata object associated to objectType.
BehaviorMetadata & | GetBehaviorMetadata (const gd::String &behaviorType) |
| Return a reference to the BehaviorMetadata object associated to behaviorType.
bool | HasBehavior (const gd::String &behaviorType) const |
| Return true if the extension contains a behavior associated to behaviorType.
EffectMetadata & | GetEffectMetadata (const gd::String &effectName) |
| Return the metadata for the effect with the given name.
std::map< gd::String, gd::EventMetadata > & | GetAllEvents () |
| Return a map containing all the events provided by the extension.
std::map< gd::String, gd::InstructionMetadata > & | GetAllActions () |
| Return a reference to a map containing the names of the actions (as keys) and the metadata associated with (as values).
std::map< gd::String, gd::InstructionMetadata > & | GetAllConditions () |
std::map< gd::String, gd::ExpressionMetadata > & | GetAllExpressions () |
std::map< gd::String, gd::ExpressionMetadata > & | GetAllStrExpressions () |
std::vector< gd::DependencyMetadata > & | GetAllDependencies () |
| Return a reference to a vector containing the metadata of all the dependencies of the extension.
const std::vector< gd::DependencyMetadata > & | GetAllDependencies () const |
| Return a reference to a vector containing the metadata of all the dependencies of the extension.
std::vector< gd::SourceFileMetadata > & | GetAllSourceFiles () |
| Return a reference to a vector containing the metadata of all the dependencies of the extension.
const std::vector< gd::SourceFileMetadata > & | GetAllSourceFiles () const |
| Return a reference to a vector containing the metadata of all the dependencies of the extension.
std::map< gd::String, gd::InstructionMetadata > & | GetAllActionsForObject (gd::String objectType) |
| Return a reference to a map containing the names of the actions, related to the object type, and the metadata associated with.
std::map< gd::String, gd::InstructionMetadata > & | GetAllConditionsForObject (gd::String objectType) |
std::map< gd::String, gd::ExpressionMetadata > & | GetAllExpressionsForObject (gd::String objectType) |
std::map< gd::String, gd::ExpressionMetadata > & | GetAllStrExpressionsForObject (gd::String objectType) |
std::map< gd::String, gd::InstructionMetadata > & | GetAllActionsForBehavior (gd::String autoType) |
std::map< gd::String, gd::InstructionMetadata > & | GetAllConditionsForBehavior (gd::String autoType) |
std::map< gd::String, gd::ExpressionMetadata > & | GetAllExpressionsForBehavior (gd::String autoType) |
std::map< gd::String, gd::ExpressionMetadata > & | GetAllStrExpressionsForBehavior (gd::String autoType) |
std::map< gd::String, gd::PropertyDescriptor > & | GetAllProperties () |
| Get all the properties of the extension. Properties are shown in the game properties in the editor, and are exported in the project data.
const std::map< gd::String, InstructionOrExpressionGroupMetadata > & | GetAllInstructionOrExpressionGroupMetadata () const |
| Get the metadata (icon, etc...) for groups used for instructions or expressions.
Base class for implementing platform's extensions.