GDevelop Core
Core library for developing platforms and tools compatible with GDevelop.
IDE Classes (Classes to be used to implement a development environment)


class  gd::AbstractFileSystem
 An interface to manipulate files in a platform agnostic way. This allow exporters to work on files without knowing what is actually being used to manipulate files (Node.js, browser shims, etc...) More...
class  gd::AbstractArbitraryEventsWorker
 AbstractArbitraryEventsWorker is a base abstract class used to browse events (and instructions) and do some work on them. It must not be inherited directly. More...
class  gd::ArbitraryEventsWorker
 ArbitraryEventsWorker is an abstract class used to browse events (and instructions) and do some work on them. Can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class  gd::ArbitraryEventsWorkerWithContext
 An events worker that will know about the context (the objects container). Useful for workers working on expressions notably. More...
class  gd::AbstractReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorker
 ReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorker is an abstract class used to browse events (and instructions). It must not be inherited directly. More...
class  gd::ReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorker
 ReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorker is an abstract class used to browse events (and instructions). It can be used to implement autocompletion for example. More...
class  gd::ReadOnlyArbitraryEventsWorkerWithContext
 An events worker that will know about the context (the objects container). Useful for workers working on expressions notably. More...
class  gd::BehaviorParametersFiller
 Fill empty behavior parameters with any behavior that matches the required behavior type. More...
class  gd::EventsBehaviorRenamer
 Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of a behavior of an object by another name. More...
class  gd::EventsContextAnalyzer
 Analyze events to list all the objects being used in them. More...
class  gd::EventsIdentifiersFinder
 Perform a search over a layout, searching for layout or object custom identifiers. More...
class  gd::EventsParameterReplacer
 Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of a parameter by another. More...
class  gd::EventsParametersLister
 List the values of the parameters of events and their type. More...
class  gd::EventsPositionFinder
 Scans an event list to retrieve the position of a list of searched events when the events list is flattened. More...
class  gd::EventsPropertyReplacer
 Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of a property by another. More...
class  gd::EventsObjectReplacer
 Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of an object by another. More...
class  gd::EventsRefactorer
 Class containing functions to do refactoring tasks on events. More...
class  gd::EventsRemover
 Allow to safely remove a bunch of events. More...
class  gd::EventsTypesLister
 List the values of the parameters of events and their type. More...
class  gd::EventsVariableInstructionTypeSwitcher
 Switch the types of variable instructions for a given set of variables. More...
class  gd::EventsVariableReplacer
 Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions, references to the name of a variable by another. More...
class  gd::EventsVariablesFinder
 Perform a search over a project or a layout, searching for layout, global or object variables. More...
class  gd::ExpressionsParameterMover
 Move in expressions, in parameters of actions or conditions, a parameter from one position to another. More...
class  gd::ExpressionsRenamer
 Replace in expressions, in parameters of actions or conditions, calls to a function by another function. More...
class  gd::InstructionsParameterMover
 Reorder the parameters of the instruction with the specified type in events, moving the parameter at the specified oldIndex to newIndex. More...
class  gd::InstructionsTypeRenamer
 Replace in events all instructions of the specified type by another type. More...
class  gd::LinkEventTargetRenamer
 Replace in link events the name of external events. More...
class  gd::ProjectElementRenamer
 Replace in expressions and in parameters of actions or conditions occurrences of project element name. For instance, it can be layouts or object effects. More...
class  gd::ObjectAssetSerializer
 Serialize objects into an asset for the store. More...
class  gd::ArbitraryBehaviorSharedDataWorker
 ArbitraryBehaviorSharedDataWorker is an abstract class used to browse shared data and do some work on them. It can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class  gd::ArbitraryEventBasedBehaviorsWorker
 ArbitraryEventsFunctionsWorker is an abstract class used to browse event-based behaviors and do some work on them. It can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class  gd::ArbitraryEventsFunctionsWorker
 ArbitraryEventsFunctionsWorker is an abstract class used to browse functions signatures and do some work on them. It can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class  gd::ArbitraryObjectsWorker
 ArbitraryObjectsWorker is an abstract class used to browse objects (and behaviors) and do some work on them. Can be used to implement refactoring for example. More...
class  gd::ArbitraryResourceWorker
 ArbitraryResourceWorker is used so as to inventory resources and sometimes update them. More...
class  gd::AssetResourcePathCleaner
 AssetResourcePathCleaner is used when exporting an object as an asset. It removes the folder from the path. More...
class  gd::BehaviorObjectTypeRenamer
 Rename the object type in event-based behaviors. More...
class  gd::BehaviorsSharedDataBehaviorTypeRenamer
 Rename the behavior type of shared data. More...
class  gd::EventsBasedObjectDependencyFinder
 Find resource usages in several parts of the project. More...
class  gd::FunctionParameterBehaviorTypeRenamer
 Rename the type of behavior parameters in functions. More...
class  gd::FunctionParameterObjectTypeRenamer
 Rename the type of object parameters in functions. More...
class  gd::ProjectResourcesAdder
 Automatically add missing resources of a project. More...
class  gd::ProjectResourcesCopier
 Copy all resources files of a project to a directory. More...
class  gd::RequiredBehaviorRenamer
 Rename the type of required behavior in event-based behaviors. More...
class  gd::ResourcesAbsolutePathChecker
 Helper used to check if a project has at least a resource with an absolute filename. More...
class  gd::ResourcesInUseHelper
 Class used to track all resources used by a game, or a part of it (like a gd::Object). More...
class  gd::ResourcesMergingHelper
 ResourcesMergingHelper is used (mainly during export) to list resources and generate new filenames, to allow them to be all copied in a single directory (potentially changing the filename to avoid conflicts, but preserving extensions). More...
class  gd::ResourcesRenamer
 Class used to rename resources (in an object, an entire project, etc...) More...
class  gd::SceneResourcesFinder
 Find resource usages in several parts of the project. More...
class  gd::SceneNameMangler
 Mangle the name of a scene, so that it can be used in code or file names. More...

Detailed Description

Classes to be used to implement a development environment.