GDevelop Core
Core library for developing platforms and tools compatible with GDevelop.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cgd::_Unique_if< T >
 Cgd::_Unique_if< T[]>
 Cgd::_Unique_if< T[N]>
 Cgd::AbstractEventsBasedEntityRepresents a behavior or an object that is implemented with events
 Cgd::AbstractFileSystemAn interface to manipulate files in a platform agnostic way. This allow exporters to work on files without knowing what is actually being used to manipulate files (Node.js, browser shims, etc...)
 Cgd::AbstractFunctionMetadataDescribe user-friendly information about an expression or an instruction (action or condition), its parameters and the function name as well as other information for code generation
 CAllocatorConcept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block
 Cgd::AnimationClass representing an animation of a SpriteObject
 Cgd::ArbitraryBehaviorSharedDataWorkerArbitraryBehaviorSharedDataWorker is an abstract class used to browse shared data and do some work on them. It can be used to implement refactoring for example
 Cgd::ArbitraryEventBasedBehaviorsWorkerArbitraryEventsFunctionsWorker is an abstract class used to browse event-based behaviors and do some work on them. It can be used to implement refactoring for example
 Cgd::ArbitraryEventsFunctionsWorkerArbitraryEventsFunctionsWorker is an abstract class used to browse functions signatures and do some work on them. It can be used to implement refactoring for example
 Cgd::ArbitraryObjectsWorkerArbitraryObjectsWorker is an abstract class used to browse objects (and behaviors) and do some work on them. Can be used to implement refactoring for example
 Cgd::ArbitraryResourceWorkerArbitraryResourceWorker is used so as to inventory resources and sometimes update them
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::ArrayData
 CASCII< CharType >ASCII encoding
 CAutoUTF< CharType >Dynamically select encoding according to stream's runtime-specified UTF encoding type
 CAutoUTFInputStream< CharType, InputByteStream >Input stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection
 CAutoUTFOutputStream< CharType, OutputByteStream >Output stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection
 Cgd::BaseEventBase class defining an event
 CBaseReaderHandler< Encoding, Derived >Default implementation of Handler
 CBaseReaderHandler< typename SchemaDocumentType::SchemaType::EncodingType >
 CBasicIStreamWrapper< StreamType >Wrapper of std::basic_istream into RapidJSON's Stream concept
 CBasicOStreamWrapper< StreamType >Wrapper of std::basic_ostream into RapidJSON's Stream concept
 Cgd::BehaviorConfigurationContainerBase class for containers of behavior configuration. They can be attached to objects (Behavior) or layouts (BehaviorsSharedData). It stores the content (i.e: the properties) of a behavior of an object
 Cgd::BuiltinExtensionsImplementerTool class containing static methods to setup an extension so that it provides standards events, objects or instructions of an extension
 Cgd::CameraA camera is used to render a specific area of a layout
 Cgd::CompilationInfoClass used by gd::PlatformExtension to ensure that an extension is compiled against the right versions of libraries
 CCrtAllocatorC-runtime library allocator
 Cgd::CustomConfigurationHelperHelper functions that gd::CustomBehavior and gd::CustomBehaviorsSharedData use to store their content in JSON
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Data
 CDependenciesAnalyzerCompute the dependencies of a scene or external events
 Cgd::DependencyMetadataContains information about a dependency (library, npm/cordova package, or other according to the export) of an extension
 Cgd::DependencyMetadataAndExtensionStore references to a gd::DependencyMetadata and its associated gd::PlatformExtension
 Cgd::DirectionClass defining a direction (set of frames) of an Animation
 Cgd::EditorSettingsContainer for arbitrary serialized data to be used by the editor to store settings
 Cgd::EffectRepresents an effect that can be applied on a layer
 Cgd::EffectMetadataContains user-friendly information about an effect
 Cgd::EffectsContainerContains effects applied to an entity on screen (i.e: a Layer or an Object)
 CEncodedInputStream< Encoding, InputByteStream >Input byte stream wrapper with a statically bound encoding
 CEncodedInputStream< UTF8<>, MemoryStream >Specialized for UTF8 MemoryStream
 CEncodedOutputStream< Encoding, OutputByteStream >Output byte stream wrapper with statically bound encoding
 CEncodingConcept for encoding of Unicode characters
 Cgd::EventMetadataDescribe an event provided by an extension of a platform
 Cgd::EventsBasedObjectDependencyFinderFind resource usages in several parts of the project
 Cgd::EventsCodeGenerationContextUsed to manage the context when generating code for events
 Cgd::EventsCodeGeneratorInternal class used to generate code from events
 CEventsCodeNameManglerMangle object names, so as to ensure all names used in code are valid
 Cgd::EventsContextStore the results of a search done by EventsContextAnalyzer
 Cgd::EventsFunctionEvents that can be generated as a stand-alone function, and used as a condition, action or expression
 Cgd::EventsFunctionSelfCallCheckerCheck if functions are only calling themselves
 Cgd::EventsFunctionsExtensionHold a list of Events Functions (gd::EventsFunction) and Events Based Behaviors
 Cgd::EventsIdentifiersFinderPerform a search over a layout, searching for layout or object custom identifiers
 Cgd::EventsListA list of events
 Cgd::EventsListSerializationContains tools for loading and saving events to SerializerElement
 Cgd::EventsRefactorerClass containing functions to do refactoring tasks on events
 Cgd::EventsSearchResultClass used to return result when calling EventsRefactorer::SearchInEvents
 Cgd::EventsVariablesFinderPerform a search over a project or a layout, searching for layout, global or object variables
 Cgd::EventVisitorVisitor of any kind of event
 Cgd::ExportedDependencyResolverHelpers to manipulate dependencies of extensions to be exported along with a game
 Cgd::ExpressionClass representing an expression used as a parameter of a gd::Instruction. This class is nothing more than a wrapper around a gd::String
 Cgd::ExpressionCodeGenerationInformationInformation about how generate code for an expression
 Cgd::ExpressionCompletionDescriptionDescribe completions to be shown to the user
 Cgd::ExpressionNodeThe base node, from which all nodes in the tree of an expression inherits from
 Cgd::ExpressionParser2Parse an expression, returning a tree of node corresponding to the parsed expression
 Cgd::ExpressionParser2NodeWorkerThe interface for any worker class ("visitor" pattern) that want to interact with the nodes of a parsed expression
 Cgd::ExpressionParserErrorAn error that can be attached to a gd::ExpressionNode
 Cgd::ExtensionAndMetadata< T >A container for metadata about an object/behavior/instruction/expression and its associated extension
 Cgd::ExtensionsLoaderInternal class loading static extensions
 Cgd::ExternalEventsContains a list of events not directly linked to a layout
 Cgd::ExternalLayoutAn external layout allows to create layouts of objects that can be then inserted on a layout
 Cgd::InstructionMetadata::ExtraInformationDefines information about how generate the code for an instruction
 CFileReadStreamFile byte stream for input using fread()
 CFileWriteStreamWrapper of C file stream for input using fread()
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Flag
 CGenericArray< Const, ValueT >Helper class for accessing Value of array type
 CGenericInsituStringStream< Encoding >A read-write string stream
 CGenericMember< Encoding, Allocator >Name-value pair in a JSON object value
 CGenericMemoryBuffer< Allocator >Represents an in-memory output byte stream
 CGenericObject< Const, ValueT >Helper class for accessing Value of object type
 CGenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >Represents a JSON Pointer. Use Pointer for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CGenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >
 CGenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >SAX-style JSON parser. Use Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 Cinternal::GenericRegex< Encoding, Allocator >Regular expression engine with subset of ECMAscript grammar
 CGenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator >JSON schema document
 CGenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator >Represents an in-memory output stream
 CGenericStringRef< CharType >Reference to a constant string (not taking a copy)
 CGenericStringStream< Encoding >Read-only string stream
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CGenericValue< Encoding, MemoryPoolAllocator<> >
 CGenericValue< EncodingType, AllocatorType >
 CGenericValue< rapidjson::Encoding, rapidjson::Allocator >
 CHandlerConcept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing. The functions return true if no error occurs. If they return false, the event publisher should terminate the process
 Cstd::hash< gd::String >
 Cstd::hash< sole::uuid >
 Cinternal::Hasher< Encoding, Allocator >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::I
 CIGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider< SchemaDocumentType >
 Cgd::InitialInstanceRepresents an instance of an object to be created on a layout start up
 Cgd::InitialInstanceFunctorTool class to be used with gd::InitialInstancesContainer::IterateOverInstances
 Cgd::InitialInstancesContainerDefines a container of gd::InitialInstances
 Cgd::InstructionAn instruction is a member of an event: It can be a condition or an action
 Cgd::InstructionOrExpressionContainerMetadataContains user-friendly information about instructions and expressions (usually for a behavior or an object)
 Cgd::InstructionOrExpressionGroupMetadataContains information about how to display a group of instructions to the user
 Cgd::InstructionSentenceFormatterGenerate user friendly sentences and information from an action or condition metadata
 Cinternal::ISchemaStateFactory< SchemaType >
 Cinternal::ISchemaStateFactory< SchemaDocumentType::SchemaType >
 Cgd::LayerRepresents a layer of a layout
 Cgd::LayersContainerContains the layers for a scene or a custom object
 Cgd::LayoutRepresent a layout ( also called a scene ) of a project
 CWriter< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator, writeFlags >::LevelInformation for each nested level
 Cgd::LoadingScreenDescribe the content and set up of the loading screen
 Cgd::MeasurementBaseUnitAn atomic unit of measurement
 Cgd::MeasurementUnitA unit of measurement
 Cgd::MeasurementUnitElementA couple of an atomic unit of measurement and its power
 CMemoryPoolAllocator< BaseAllocator >Default memory allocator used by the parser and DOM
 CMemoryStreamRepresents an in-memory input byte stream
 Cgd::MetadataProviderAllow to easily get metadata for instructions (i.e actions and conditions), expressions, objects and behaviors
 Cgd::NewNameGeneratorGenerate unique names
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number
 Cgd::ObjectRepresent an object of a platform
 Cgd::ObjectAssetSerializerSerialize objects into an asset for the store
 Cgd::ObjectConfigurationBase class used to represent an object configuration. For example, this can be the animations in a sprite, the text, its font, its color in a Text object, etc..
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::ObjectData
 Cgd::ObjectFolderOrObjectClass representing a folder structure in order to organize objects in folders (to be used with an ObjectsContainer.)
 Cgd::ObjectGroupRepresents an object group
 Cgd::ObjectGroupsContainerA container for objects groups
 Cgd::ObjectsContainerUsed as a base class for classes that will own objects (see gd::Object)
 Cgd::ObjectsContainersListA list of objects containers, useful for accessing objects in a scoped way, along with methods to access them
 Cgd::ParameterMetadataDescribe a parameter of an instruction (action, condition) or of an expression: type, user-friendly description, etc..
 CParseResultResult of parsing (wraps ParseErrorCode)
 Cgd::PlatformBase class for implementing a platform
 Cgd::PlatformExtensionBase class for implementing platform's extensions
 Cgd::PlatformLoaderLoad a gd::Platform in memory from a file and add it to the manager
 Cgd::PlatformManagerSingleton class managing all the platforms available
 Cgd::PlatformSpecificAssetsStore the icons, splashscreens or reference to any other asset that can be needed when exporting the game
 CPointNamed point used by Sprite
 CPolygon2dRepresents a polygon. Usually used for collisions masks
 Cgd::ProjectBase class representing a project (game), including all resources, scenes, objects, extensions..
 Cgd::ProjectBrowserExpose a subset of the project to workers
 Cgd::ProjectBrowserHelperExpose a subset of the project to workers
 Cgd::ProjectResourcesAdderAutomatically add missing resources of a project
 Cgd::ProjectResourcesCopierCopy all resources files of a project to a directory
 Cgd::ProjectScopedContainersHolds references to variables, objects, properties and other containers
 Cgd::ProjectStripperTool class providing methods to strip useless data for a project after it has been exported
 Cgd::PropertiesContainersListA list of property containers, useful for accessing properties in a scoped way
 Cgd::PropertyDescriptorUsed to describe a property shown in a property grid
 Cgd::PropertyFunctionGeneratorGenerate a getter and a setter functions for properties
 Cgd::ReadOnlyEventVisitorVisitor of any kind of event
 Cgd::ResourceBase class to describe a resource used by a game
 Cgd::ResourcesManagerInventory all resources used by a project
 Cgd::SceneNameManglerMangle the name of a scene, so that it can be used in code or file names
 Cinternal::Schema< SchemaDocumentType >
 CSchemaValidatingReader< parseFlags, InputStream, SourceEncoding, SchemaDocumentType, StackAllocator >A helper class for parsing with validation
 Cinternal::SchemaValidationContext< SchemaDocumentType >
 Cgd::SerializableWithNameList< T >A class template that store a list of elements that can be accessed by their names and serialized
 Cgd::SerializableWithNameList< gd::EventsBasedBehavior >
 Cgd::SerializableWithNameList< gd::EventsBasedObject >
 Cgd::SerializableWithNameList< gd::EventsFunction >
 Cgd::SerializableWithNameList< gd::ParameterMetadata >
 Cgd::SerializableWithNameList< NamedPropertyDescriptor >
 Cgd::SerializerThe class used to save/load projects and GDCore classes from/to XML or JSON
 Cgd::SerializerElementA generic container that can represent a value ( containing a string, double, bool or int), an object ("associative array", "dictionary") with children or an array (children indexed by numeric properties)
 Cgd::SerializerValueA value stored inside a gd::SerializerElement
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::ShortString
 Cgd::SourceFileMetadataContains information about a source file that must be included when an extension is used
 Cgd::SpriteRepresents a sprite to be displayed on the screen
 Cgd::SpriteAnimationListA list of animations, containing directions with images and collision mask
 Cgd::SPtrList< T >
 Cgd::SPtrList< gd::Instruction >
 Cinternal::Stack< Allocator >A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data
 Cinternal::Stack< CrtAllocator >
 Cinternal::Stack< rapidjson::Allocator >
 Cinternal::Stack< StackAllocator >
 CStreamConcept for reading and writing characters
 Cinternal::StreamLocalCopy< Stream, int >
 Cinternal::StreamLocalCopy< Stream, 0 >Keep reference
 Cinternal::StreamLocalCopy< Stream, 1 >Do copy optimization
 CStreamTraits< Stream >Provides additional information for stream
 CStreamTraits< GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding > >
 CStreamTraits< GenericStringStream< Encoding > >
 Cgd::StringString represents an UTF8 encoded string
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::String
 Cgd::SystemStatsTool class to provide information about the system
 Cgd::TextFormattingRepresents the style of a text displayed in the events editor
 CGenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::TokenA token is the basic units of internal representation
 Cinternal::TokenHelper< Stack, Ch >
 Cinternal::TokenHelper< Stack, char >
 CTranscoder< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding >Encoding conversion
 CTranscoder< Encoding, Encoding >Specialization of Transcoder with same source and target encoding
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, T >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, bool >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, const typename ValueType::Ch * >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, double >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, float >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, int >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, int64_t >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::Array >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::ConstArray >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::ConstObject >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::Object >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, uint64_t >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, unsigned >
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::U
 Cinternal::Hasher< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::U
 Cgd::UnfilledRequiredBehaviorPropertyProblemA problem when a required behavior property is not fill correctly
 CUTF16< CharType >UTF-16 encoding
 CUTF16< wchar_t >
 CUTF32< CharType >UTF-32 encoding
 CUTF32< unsigned >
 CUTF8< CharType >UTF-8 encoding
 Cgd::ValueTypeMetadataDefine a type for parameters of a function (action, condition or expression) or the returned value of an expression
 Cgd::VariableDefines a variable which can be used by an object, a layout or a project
 Cgd::VariableAndItsParentContains a variables container or a variable. Useful to refer to the parent of a variable (which can be a VariablesContainer or another Variable)
 Cgd::VariablesContainerClass defining a container for gd::Variable
 Cgd::VariablesContainersListA list of variables containers, useful for accessing variables in a scoped way
 Cgd::Vector2< T >Utility template class for manipulating 2-dimensional vectors
 Cgd::VersionWrapperUsed to get information about GDevelop Core version
 Cgd::WatermarkDescribe the content and set up of the watermark
 Cgd::WholeProjectRefactorerTool functions to do refactoring on the whole project after changes like deletion or renaming of an object
 CWriter< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator, writeFlags >JSON writer
 CWriter< OutputStream, UTF8<>, UTF8<>, CrtAllocator, kWriteDefaultFlags >